Monday, September 8, 2008

Emails Sept 8, 2008

The Mommy-The trip to the new place was fine. I won't lie when I say that it is really weird to be in a new area though and with a new companion. It has been good so far though so that is nice. I luckily did not have to tear apart my bike which was really nice. Some members in the Lincoln ward gave me a ride, they are awesome. I have a thank you card that I sent to them so no worries on that. I am feeling a lot better though I am a bit stuffed up still. Other than that though things are going well for me. That is sad that your pressure cooker finally died it has been around for a LONG time. Yes Elder Pancheri did stay in Lincoln, he actually got a companion that came out in the same group that I did so that is pretty cool. I do not know the Elder though because he was not in the same MTC group. As for the other Elders that moved in with us in Lincoln they were the other English Elders in Lincoln so it was Elders Matsunaga and Brewster. The new place is HUGE which is nice, but yet at the same time sucks because you can gather more things in a bigger apartment. We do share it with two other missionaries, but since this place is big it does not matter. The President is good I guess. I still do not know him all that well but he is growing steadily on me and things seem to be going really well under his regime. I would appreciate it if I could get some hard copies instead of through the email. I got the package thank you so much. I do have to say that I like Scott and Kayce's wedding cake. Well things are going really well here in Oroville. My new comp and I are getting along really well and things seem to be going really well. Other than that things are just normal I guess. Well I love you mom and hope all is going well.Love your son,Elder Brickey

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