Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Emails 9-10-08

Curley Family-That is fine that you missed a letter, truthfully it matters more that you care enough to write me more than once a month. I will not lie the Father and Sons sounds like it was pretty sweet. It sounds like it was a good time and I really wish that I could have been there. I do have to tell that I have no idea who the Rowlettes are. If I remember right they moved in when I was getting ready to leave on my mission and I do not really remember anything about them other than they had a lot of work to do on their house when they moved in. That is sweet though that Dallin caught his first fish.The new area is a lot bigger because the city is smaller. There are a lot of interesting people here though. It is fun to see how weird they are. It is fun because there is more cool things here than down in Lincoln though. There are a lot of sweet trails and such here to go and play on. So that is always fun.Well it sounds like things are going a little crazy for your pregnancy still, though I have faith that you will both be taken care of. Well I hope that things get going better for you.Well the comp is really cool actually. He is from Hawaii and so I am getting my connections so I can go and visit. The area is cool so far and the people that I have met have been fun and such but it is still a little nerve racking. I am getting more use to the area and adapting to unusual and weird things that get thrown at me. We do have a few investigators and their are a few that hopefully that can enter the water soon. Being co-senior is a little weird but it works I guess. There is not really anything right now worth note, other than Table Mountain which is really weird and funny looking. There are also a lot of other cool OLD things here in town that are fun and cool.Well sorry I was not able to get this off the other day I got pulled off to go do some other stuff. Well yeah I love yall and take care.-Elder Brickey

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