Monday, September 1, 2008

Emails Sept 1, 2008

Curley's-It sounds like your life is still really busy to me. That is cool though that you could save like $2500 or so by doing it the way that you are. It sounds like the school stuff is going well, though I am not that excited right now at the thought of school. I have forgotten how to do A LOT of things. Well I hope that the school thing goes well and pans out for you.It sounds like both of your chillins are getting really big and quite fun. That is funny that Saedy is getting into everything, I am glad that all my stuff is safely tucked away. It sounds like she will be able to out eat me when I get home. Than again I do have my moments where I just eat and eat and eat. Dallin likes hiking boots, well at least it is not high heels or something like that. He is just taking after his grandpa and uncles in liking the outdoors. I do like the fact that he loves Toy Story I love it too, and I also love Cars. It sounds like both of your kids are going to be quite the characters when I get home.Yeah transfers where today. I am getting transferred to Oroville to the Table Mountain Ward. My companion will be Elder Lowe he has been out for a while, but we are going to be co-senior companions, whatever that means I do not know. I have mixed emotions about being transferred. It is always exciting about getting a new area and the idea of new people and fresh things, but I have grown to love this area and these people. I am not so sure how excited I am about a new companion because I am use to how my companion is now and now I have to learn all over again. Oh well it will be good because that way I will learn and grow some more. Thank you for your support because I have needed and need it. Well this past week has been pretty good. We have taught a few lessons, though I have gotten sick. I am not sure what I have I am just congested and my head is all messed up. Other than that though we have just been doing the missionary thing. Went and knocked some doors and had some interesting people answer and get a little mad at us. Oh well I guess it is all for a good purpose.I will talk to Scott and see if I can get the pictures from him. It is weird to think that he is up in Logan instead of there in Orem. I guess I will have to get use to the idea.Well how are you doing? How is the family doing? How are all the pets doing? What is new and exciting? Well I hope that things are going well for you and that you are all safe. I love you and keep you in my heart and prayers take care.Love,Elder Brickey

The Mommy-Our apartment is two bedroom, 1 bath, and not that big in general. We are pretty cramped but it works out some how. I am not sure if the fires are all out we do not hear about them anymore. Though we have heard a lot about the Proposition 8 (protect marriage) thing going on right now. Wow that is weird that Brad's girlfriend (or ex) got married. It is really weird to think that all these people that I went to school with are getting married and having kids. I am getting transferred, I am going to Oroville. It is a little more north than where I am at right now. It is weird to think that I am going to be leaving Lincoln and going to another area and will be hitting my year mark soon. Can you believe it almost a year ago you were seeing me off in the MTC. I will be taking my bike, and get to use it in the area too, but hopefully I will be able to put it in the back of a truck or on a bike rack so that I do not have to tear it apart. Other than that though things are going well here in Cali. I have been sick the last couple of days which sucks, but I have dealt with it. We have been able to get out a bit but at the same time have taken it easy so that I can hopefully recuperate from whatever this is. It is weird to think that I have been here in Lincoln for 6 months and that I am not off to a new adventure. I know that the work here in Lincoln is better than when I got here so that makes me happy and makes the leaving a little better. I know that no matter how hard or weird the next area is that I will be able to do well if I just rely on the Lord. Well I am glad that you liked the card, I try my best to find the good ones. Well I hope that you have an awesome anniversary and that things go well for you in this coming week. I love you mom and am very grateful for all that you do for me and for all your love and support. Take care and I will talk to you later.Love your son,Elder Brickey

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