Monday, September 29, 2008

Emails 9-29-08

Hello Hello!Well things are going well here in Cali! I am doing fine all good and safe. I do not have any whiplash or anything really from the accident so that is nice. I was not driving and have not been able to drive a car yet, well technically. The damage was quite extensive to the car that we were in, but the car we hit there was hardly any damage to it. I have driven a few times but it has not been far or much. Anyway it was one of the other Elders that we live with. There is a designated driver and no one but him can drive, technically. It has been a good week and good transfer. It is weird to think that I have almost been here in Oroville for 5 weeks. Than again I am coming up on my year mark and it will come and go so fast. Well it sounds like things are going well back home for you all. That is cool that your kids remember/know who I am. I bet Kyle is still the same awesome Kyle. Though I bet he has changed in developing a way stronger testimony! Well I hope that things are going well for you all and that you have a safe week. Let me know how things go and I hope to hear from you soon. Love you.-Elder Brickey

Monday, September 22, 2008

Emails 9-22-08

The Mommy-My companion is from Oahu. Pearl City to be exact, his house overlooks Pearl Harbor. He was born in Hawaii but moved State side for a while than back to Hawaii. It is really sweet to talk to him about Hawaii and it makes me excited and want to go to Hawaii SO BAD! Yes I did get two emails from you this week. This week has been good ish. We actually had Zone Conference this past Thursday. It was in Yuba City so south of where Oroville is. Well on the way down there, we were riding with the Hmong Elders, we got into an ACCIDENT! Yeah it was interesting. We rear ended a Ford Crown Vic and there was hardly any damage to the Ford whereas the Toyota Carolla we were in got really messed up! So that was an interesting day.It is weird to think that Kyle is coming home this week. I cannot believe he has been gone already for two years. It seems like Mickell just left and he is now in the field, than again it feels like I just left and it has almost been a year. I did hear from Mickell I actually need to get a letter back to him asap! I might need some stamps actually, I am not sure how many I have. We actually go and email at a school, it is like a college or something like that. It is pretty nice. I am still feeling good and well actually even with the other Elders sick. I am not in the same zone as Lincoln, they are to far south. I think things are holding up well for me. Though I will let you know if I need something. Thank you for all you do mom. Love you.-Elder Brickey

Yello-Well I will not mind to be the last to find out, just as long as I find out and know that things are okay. Yeah Happy Anniversary, well late but still. Well I am sorry that you had to go to the hospital but glad that things are okay. I hope and pray that things go well for you and my new little niece. Wow I did not know that a RM was on the FBIs top 10 most wanted. Shows that we are all human. Well it sounds like things are going well back there in Utah and I hope that things continue to go well for you back there.Here things are going well. We have a few investigators who are still in line for getting baptized. The work is going good and it seems like the Lord is watching over us for sure. This past Thursday we got into an accident on the way to Zone Conference. We rear ended a Ford Crown Vic and it did virtually no damage to the Ford but our little Toyota Carolla got pretty messed up. We are all safe and fine so no worries that way. Well it seems crazy that Kyle gets home this week and than I hit my year mark next month. Well I am sorry this is short but I am almost out of time. Well I love you and wish you the best.Take care of yourselves and I will talk to you later.-Elder Brickey

Monday, September 15, 2008

Emails 9-15-08

The Mommy-Well this week was good. We have a couple of investigators that are really close to being baptized and we had one of the recent reactivated members just receive the Melch Priesthood. Other than that the work has been going pretty well, we have to rely on the members to get us to some of our investigators though because our area is pretty big. It has been fun getting to know the area and the people here. Well the two other missionaries that live with us are the Hmong (Mong) Elders. I do know one of them because he is from the same group that I came out in, but I did not know them that well when I first came here to Oroville. Now though I do know them pretty well and they are cool and fun. My address is 57 Evanswood Circle Oroville CA 95965 sorry I did not get that to you sooner. Well it sounds like your trip to Logan was quiet exciting. Though I know that I would not have been happy if it was me. Well I am feeling better and am doing well. Though the Hmong Elders are sick and I am scared that I am going to get it again or something. We will see I will try to keep up on the meds and such to stay well. The new companion and the new area are going well. I am getting a hold of the area and my companion. It is actually better than I thought and with things going well I know that is helping. Oroville is pretty good sized I would say. Our area is HUGE because we cover "country" and some of the city itself. I am not sure the population or anything but it is good sized.Well how are you doing mom? What is new in the life of the mommy? Well I hope that things are going well. Take care and I will talk to you later. Love youYour son,Elder Brickey

Hola-Hey it sounds like things are going well for you and your family. I tell you what by the time I get home I would not be surprised if your kids are not only potty trained but completely their own individuals. They are growing up so fast it is ridiculous. It will definitely be interesting to see how much they have changed when I get home. Well Table Mountain is definitely funny looking and very cool looking as well. There are some fun trails around the mountain as well that make it cool though. I do not know if I have many pictures of Lincoln, but I will send you all the pictures that I do have. I am actually putting together a package to send home with a whole bunch of stuff that I need to get rid of.That is pretty sweet that you were able to find some Toy Story stuff for Dallin. I am definitely in on whatever you want for mom and dad. I sill be glad to pitch in whatever, just let me know if there is not any left from my last check or whatever.My companion does surf, but is not that big into it. He is actually into cars and motorcycles, sounds like me doesn't it? Well other than that things have been going well and things seem to be just awesome so far.I hope that things go well for you for the rest of the week and I hope to hear from you soon. Love ya.-Elder Brickey

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Emails 9-10-08

Curley Family-That is fine that you missed a letter, truthfully it matters more that you care enough to write me more than once a month. I will not lie the Father and Sons sounds like it was pretty sweet. It sounds like it was a good time and I really wish that I could have been there. I do have to tell that I have no idea who the Rowlettes are. If I remember right they moved in when I was getting ready to leave on my mission and I do not really remember anything about them other than they had a lot of work to do on their house when they moved in. That is sweet though that Dallin caught his first fish.The new area is a lot bigger because the city is smaller. There are a lot of interesting people here though. It is fun to see how weird they are. It is fun because there is more cool things here than down in Lincoln though. There are a lot of sweet trails and such here to go and play on. So that is always fun.Well it sounds like things are going a little crazy for your pregnancy still, though I have faith that you will both be taken care of. Well I hope that things get going better for you.Well the comp is really cool actually. He is from Hawaii and so I am getting my connections so I can go and visit. The area is cool so far and the people that I have met have been fun and such but it is still a little nerve racking. I am getting more use to the area and adapting to unusual and weird things that get thrown at me. We do have a few investigators and their are a few that hopefully that can enter the water soon. Being co-senior is a little weird but it works I guess. There is not really anything right now worth note, other than Table Mountain which is really weird and funny looking. There are also a lot of other cool OLD things here in town that are fun and cool.Well sorry I was not able to get this off the other day I got pulled off to go do some other stuff. Well yeah I love yall and take care.-Elder Brickey

Monday, September 8, 2008

Emails Sept 8, 2008

The Mommy-The trip to the new place was fine. I won't lie when I say that it is really weird to be in a new area though and with a new companion. It has been good so far though so that is nice. I luckily did not have to tear apart my bike which was really nice. Some members in the Lincoln ward gave me a ride, they are awesome. I have a thank you card that I sent to them so no worries on that. I am feeling a lot better though I am a bit stuffed up still. Other than that though things are going well for me. That is sad that your pressure cooker finally died it has been around for a LONG time. Yes Elder Pancheri did stay in Lincoln, he actually got a companion that came out in the same group that I did so that is pretty cool. I do not know the Elder though because he was not in the same MTC group. As for the other Elders that moved in with us in Lincoln they were the other English Elders in Lincoln so it was Elders Matsunaga and Brewster. The new place is HUGE which is nice, but yet at the same time sucks because you can gather more things in a bigger apartment. We do share it with two other missionaries, but since this place is big it does not matter. The President is good I guess. I still do not know him all that well but he is growing steadily on me and things seem to be going really well under his regime. I would appreciate it if I could get some hard copies instead of through the email. I got the package thank you so much. I do have to say that I like Scott and Kayce's wedding cake. Well things are going really well here in Oroville. My new comp and I are getting along really well and things seem to be going really well. Other than that things are just normal I guess. Well I love you mom and hope all is going well.Love your son,Elder Brickey

Monday, September 1, 2008

Emails Sept 1, 2008

Curley's-It sounds like your life is still really busy to me. That is cool though that you could save like $2500 or so by doing it the way that you are. It sounds like the school stuff is going well, though I am not that excited right now at the thought of school. I have forgotten how to do A LOT of things. Well I hope that the school thing goes well and pans out for you.It sounds like both of your chillins are getting really big and quite fun. That is funny that Saedy is getting into everything, I am glad that all my stuff is safely tucked away. It sounds like she will be able to out eat me when I get home. Than again I do have my moments where I just eat and eat and eat. Dallin likes hiking boots, well at least it is not high heels or something like that. He is just taking after his grandpa and uncles in liking the outdoors. I do like the fact that he loves Toy Story I love it too, and I also love Cars. It sounds like both of your kids are going to be quite the characters when I get home.Yeah transfers where today. I am getting transferred to Oroville to the Table Mountain Ward. My companion will be Elder Lowe he has been out for a while, but we are going to be co-senior companions, whatever that means I do not know. I have mixed emotions about being transferred. It is always exciting about getting a new area and the idea of new people and fresh things, but I have grown to love this area and these people. I am not so sure how excited I am about a new companion because I am use to how my companion is now and now I have to learn all over again. Oh well it will be good because that way I will learn and grow some more. Thank you for your support because I have needed and need it. Well this past week has been pretty good. We have taught a few lessons, though I have gotten sick. I am not sure what I have I am just congested and my head is all messed up. Other than that though we have just been doing the missionary thing. Went and knocked some doors and had some interesting people answer and get a little mad at us. Oh well I guess it is all for a good purpose.I will talk to Scott and see if I can get the pictures from him. It is weird to think that he is up in Logan instead of there in Orem. I guess I will have to get use to the idea.Well how are you doing? How is the family doing? How are all the pets doing? What is new and exciting? Well I hope that things are going well for you and that you are all safe. I love you and keep you in my heart and prayers take care.Love,Elder Brickey

The Mommy-Our apartment is two bedroom, 1 bath, and not that big in general. We are pretty cramped but it works out some how. I am not sure if the fires are all out we do not hear about them anymore. Though we have heard a lot about the Proposition 8 (protect marriage) thing going on right now. Wow that is weird that Brad's girlfriend (or ex) got married. It is really weird to think that all these people that I went to school with are getting married and having kids. I am getting transferred, I am going to Oroville. It is a little more north than where I am at right now. It is weird to think that I am going to be leaving Lincoln and going to another area and will be hitting my year mark soon. Can you believe it almost a year ago you were seeing me off in the MTC. I will be taking my bike, and get to use it in the area too, but hopefully I will be able to put it in the back of a truck or on a bike rack so that I do not have to tear it apart. Other than that though things are going well here in Cali. I have been sick the last couple of days which sucks, but I have dealt with it. We have been able to get out a bit but at the same time have taken it easy so that I can hopefully recuperate from whatever this is. It is weird to think that I have been here in Lincoln for 6 months and that I am not off to a new adventure. I know that the work here in Lincoln is better than when I got here so that makes me happy and makes the leaving a little better. I know that no matter how hard or weird the next area is that I will be able to do well if I just rely on the Lord. Well I am glad that you liked the card, I try my best to find the good ones. Well I hope that you have an awesome anniversary and that things go well for you in this coming week. I love you mom and am very grateful for all that you do for me and for all your love and support. Take care and I will talk to you later.Love your son,Elder Brickey