Monday, June 23, 2008

Emails 6-23-08

The Mommy-It is pretty crazy to be senior companion and such already. I do like having the zeal of a new missionary though. There are only two Sisters in my district. There is usually only two Sisters per zone so I am the lucky one to have them in my district.President Pendleton actually comes in on Friday. I have heard that the Mission Presidents and their wives get "SPECIAL" treatment and the missionaries get the shaft. Oh well I am just glad that I did not have to deal with that. I took my Ogio backpack with me. It is kinda big, but I really like having it. Some missionaries like having the saddlebag type so they can put it over the frame of their bikes, or just a strap over the shoulder when they are tracting/on foot. It just needs to be big enough for your personal scriptures, maybe pass along cards (which are not to big), some copies of the Book of Mormon to hand out, and maybe some DVD's that you hand out. Oh and for District Meetings and Zone Conferences you take your Preach My Gospel so you can carry it or put it in the bag as well. As for a bike.....I really love my Specialized. I would recommend having a lighter bike and having road type tires on it. The bikes with more dirt tires and are knobby wear out quicker. They also are really noisy going down the road. There is also a bike tool that I would recommend getting so he can put his bike together when he gets there and if he gets a new companion he can help them out because most missionaries do not bring one. I am not really sure other than that. He could get a pump and make sure a good lock, usually not the ones that are all curled up like a pig tail, they are really annoying.I wish in a lot of ways that I could be there and go through the temple with him, but oh wells. I take it that Grandpa Walker is going to be his escort. I really enjoyed having Grandpa and Dad there when I went through. They both made sure that I had everything done right and took really good care of me. Things are going really well here in Lincoln now. The work has been a lot of finding but that is okay. The new companion is also really good. He is learning really fast and doing really good so that is nice. It is way fun to see him do his first door approach and see him get better and better at that, and to see his first like everything in the mission. I took him shopping for the first time in his life, which was CRAZY to me. That is great that now President Pendleton has two such great examples to compare me too. Just kidding it is cool. I would be the same way. I am not surprised at all that she went up and introduced herself. I love my grandma. I always think it is funny to spend time with her because then I know where you get your weird little quarks from. I miss and love my family!Tell Mickell that even though they do not recommend a video recording camera to just find one that he likes that is DIGITAL. My camera has video on it and it is almost impossible to find one without it. I do recommend a nice(ish) one with a good zoom and higher mega-pixel. My camera is a Kodak with 7.1 mega-pixels and like a 3x zoom or something like that. There is a problem with missionaries doing dumb things and than after their missions putting it on Our mission president said that if you do videos just make sure that you either do not have on your name badges or that it is something that you would be willing to show to your grandma. Well how are things going there in Utah? I keep having people in this ward go to Utah and tell me that they can call you or drop off anything that I have to send home. It is weird cause I almost want them to mail me home sometimes. I am doing well though and loving the work. I cannot believe the amount of blessings that I am getting from just trying to do my best. I love you and hope all is well. Take care. Love,Elder Brickey

Curley's-Yep a senior comp, trainer, and DL all in one transfer. I teased President Perry that he must be getting desperate if he is using me for all that. He just looked at me and told me that he knows I am a good missionary and will do a good job. It is kinda weird though having the sister missionaries in my district, but it works out I guess. I like planning District Meetings and such but sometimes I wonder what I have gotten myself into. I turn 8 months tomorrow and already am in quite the leadership spot, what will I be when I hit like 18 months? I know it will not be AP, I will say no thank you to that one.My foot is doing fine now. It is still a little tender in some spots but I have been taking good care of it so it is doing well. We do still play basketball, but we also play this game called Suzleball which is a combination between soccer and ultimate Frisbee. I actually sorta kinda threw my shoulder out when playing last week so I have been benched by the Medical Senior Missionaries. I was also told to start doing my shoulder exercises again and more often. I am doing okay though my shoulder is still working just a little sore at times.Wow Ryan it sounds like you were getting hit on, 1288. I probably would have said yes just to screw with the guy. Then again I would have been in your shoes, which you did not answer my question about wither you get to carry a gun or not, and I would have had a little fun.It sounds like your kids are just growing and growing. I will come back and Saedy will be talking full sentences and Dallin will be huge. That is not a fun thought to think about every one of the nieces and nephews being all grown up. Things are going well here in Lincoln. The work is a lot of tracting, but that is okay because my comp has the fire and the desire to get out and do the work. One of the missionaries would actually like some more of the cookies that mom sent to me in my package. It seems like everything that you all send me is a huge hit with the other Elders. Other than that though things are going well and I am doing pretty well. I am not sure that I need anything right now though. I may need some cotton-poly bottoms though, I keep destroying them it seems. I don't know. Well how are things going in the big UC (utah county)? I hope all is well and that you are doing well. I love you all and wish you all the best. Take care and I will talk to you later. Love,Elder Brickey

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