Monday, June 16, 2008

Emails 6-16-08

Hello!It is cool being a trainer actually. My companion is Elder Pancheri (pan-carry) and he is from Nampa, Idaho. It is weird being in charge and showing how to do everything. I think that it is weird that I am only 7 months out and I have a newbie. CRAZY! I would not be surprised actually if I stay here for another transfer. Than again I have no clue because on the 27th we get the new mission pres and I have no idea of what he will be like. That is cool that Dallin has moved up to a big boy bed. Though I do not want them to grow up because they will be different than when I left. Oh well I guess. I am a little worried about the high heel thing though. I remember what Shanna and Nicole use to do to me when I would do stuff like that and I do not think that he wants to have the memory of "Cousin Daisy" or something. If that makes no sense ask Shan about "cousin Katie" though SHE IS DEAD NOW! HAHAHAHAHA just kidding but seriously she is dead.That is cool a professional bodyguard. I think that would be kinda a cool job to have, especially if you can carry a gun!That sucks that there is not going to be a Walker Vacation this summer. It seems like everything that we did is falling apart now. I loved all the different things that we would always do as a family. Thanks for putting my name on the card for dad. It is weird being away for all these different holidays that I am use to being there for. I had members offer to call and let me talk to dad yesterday, but I said that I wanted to be a good missionary and would not.Well it seems like things are going really well here. I cannot believe that I am training though still. It is cool, but at the same time it is really crazy. I will just give it my all and do my best. Well I hope all is going well for you all. Love you and take care of yourselves.-Elder Brickey

The Mommy-Yep I am a TRAINER!!! It is actually not as bad as I first thought. My new companion is Elder Pancheri (pan-carry) and he is from Nampa, Idaho. It is cool because I am the youngest in our family and first to go on a mission and he is the oldest and first to go on a mission. I have found that it is a lot easier to follow the rules now and to do all that I should, because I do have to set an example. I think that I will do better at training that with kids. For the most part missionaries do not wake you up in the middle of the night crying and you do not have to change their diapers. The guy said that I could not carry the pillow on because I already had a carry on and it would count as another carry on and I would have to be charged for it like $25. Though there is a new thing for luggage. I guess on Delta you can only have one bag so when I come home I will have to pay for my second bag to be checked. Stupid airlines and fuel prices.Oh I am not only a trainer and senior companion, I am also the District leader. I guess they must be hard up for good missionaries or something. No just kidding it is actually because I am the oldest, mission wise, in our district. Than again there is only Elder Pancheri and the Sister Missionaries and Myself in our district. Yeah the temperature here has been in the high 90's low 100's this past week, which has been no fun whatsoever. Though I am getting a pretty good tan and tan lines.The garments are awesome thank you so much for sending them to me. They are really nice for p-day because they stay and wick away moisture really well. I would recommend the cotton-poly as well though. They are the other ones that I have that I like a ton. I actually would recommend for shoes either Echo, Hush Puppies, or Havana Joes. My Linden Bournes are a little bit harder on your feet when you do a lot of walking. I would also recommend very light weight slacks for summer time. I really like my gold toe socks that Shan and Ry sent me for christmas, but than again I like my other socks as well because they are really thin. With ties polyester are good, than again so are silk. Basically just whatever you like, though I would recommend more than the 8-10 that they say. It is really the only thing that you get to change daily and so a variety is really good. Well things are going well here in Lincoln. We were able to hand out 4 Books of Mormon in three days so that was cool. We have been tracting though for about 2-3 hours a day though. Well how are things at home? Other than the construction which I am happy that I do not have to deal with. Anything new and exciting? How are the dogs? Has Oreo learned any cool tricks yet? Well take care and I hope all is well. Love you mom.-Elder Brickey

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