Monday, June 2, 2008

Emails 6-2-2008

The Mommy-Okay two weeks ago after I had emailed you all, we went to Rocklin and were playing basketball with the entire zone. We played a few games and then we played speed, lightning, bump, knock out or whatever you want to call the game. I went and got a layup, but when I came down I landed really weird and my foot and ankle said go forward, but the rest of my body went backwards. I just thought that I would take care of it and if it did not seem to be doing well in like a three weeks or whatever I thought that I would go and see a doctor about it. I did a really good job on it actually because it is still a little bruised and swollen, so I might need to go and see that doctor.I got the pillow thank you for sending it. The pillow that I have was quite annoying and it is nice to have a decent pillow so I can sleep better. Wow that is right I forgot that Kory was also 8, that is crazy. That is awesome that Mickell baptised and confirmed. I am so excited for that kid and the opportunity that he has to serve a mission.It actually is not hard to find people during the morning or early afternoon. It is however hard to find people that want to listen to you at those times. Sometimes we wake people up or we catch them as they bring in their groceries. So the truth is that we are finding people, but we are not finding quality people who want to be taught.We meet with the Mission President about twice a transfer. We see him at Zone Conference and than at Interviews. President Pendleton comes in right before we have Zone Conference so we will meet him that way more than likely. We do not really have a "going away party" but at the last Zone Conference we sang to them "God Be With You Till We Meet Again" and another song that I cannot remember. We got some pictures and said our good-byes so to speak there.I do not care if I get a calender with the brithdays or just a paper with whose birthday is what. I can remember yours, dads and all the brother and sisters. I just have a harder time with the in-laws and neices and nephews and like grandparents and such. I guess I am not a good enough brother-in-law or uncle or grandson or whatever since I cannot seem to remember. I do remember DJ Broadhead, he use to hang out with the Starkers before his mission and tease Dellan and I. I was also in the same age group as his two sisters, Aubree and Ashlee. Cancer, that is to bad. He changed a lot on his mission and he was a lot nicer and "more grown up". Well I hope that things go well for them.I actually was able to go to the Sacramento Temple. It was very nice. The Medford Oregon Temple is like 10,000 sq ft and the Sacrament Temple is like 15,000. It was definiatly a bigger temple, but still REALLY SMALL compared to Mount Timp or any of those. Well things are going pretty well here. We are still working on finding some people to teach. We are also working with the ward in trying to get them more missionary minded. We have a few of the members that are working with either friends or neighbors trying to get the opportunity to introduce us to them and see if they are interested in the gospel. It is really fun to be apart of and to see how excited and the fire in the members eyes as they work with these people.Other than that things are going well. I am still in one peice and alive so that is always good. Well I hope that things are going well back at home. Let me know how all is going. Love you mom.Love your son,-Elder Brickey
Curley's-That is good to hear that you do not find my emails boring. I look forward to every Monday and hearing from the family. It is probably the highlight of my week.It sounds like you did have quite the busy May. Though that is cool that Jason is married. It sounds like by the time that I get home it will only be Scott and I or maybe just me that does not have an attachment. That would be really weird. Almost all of Steve's family is married, and if I remember all of Ryan's family is married. Nicole is getting married soon, well sooner or later. Than there is Scott and I. It is a good thing that Kyle will be there, well he says that he will be anyway. That is crazy to think about. It seems like the family is keeping really busy. Dad with his working and always being gone doing this or that. Mom and just staying busy with life. Than you and your family. Goodness I think I like the missionary life more than the sound of that. Than again I just love the life of a missionary.I am sorry that the pregnancy had been uncomfortable. I won't lie that I am worried/nervous to deal with that when the time comes. Well not myself, but my wife that is. Yeah anyway that is a while a way.I think it is funny how little kids like to be with the bigger kids, that way they feel older or whatever. I was the same in a lot of aspects though. I hated it when I had to leave before everyone else left or before I was done with my games, which would mean never because my games with Mickell and Kyle would last FOREVER!!! I can say though that I am not like Saedy, I HATED talking to other people. Though I now have to talk to all strangers that I see! Maybe she will stay outgoing and go on a mission and convert billions!It can get a little frustrating when you hear a lot about home, especially when you have over half your mission left. Oh well it is a trial that I have to overcome. From what I have been told.....I might be training. Transfers are on the 10th so I will find out in a week! We are getting the new mission president on the 27th of this month actually. I love President Perry and am really sad that he is leaving. He has really been focusing on getting the mission up to par for when the new president comes in. He has always been really focused on the work and how it is doing. It will definitely be interesting to see what the new president does though. I never thought of that before, the being out longer than my Mission President thing. That will really be weird and kinda fun actually. I sprained my ankle playing basketball, or speed/bump/knock out whatever. My right foot came down and landed on my toes. My ankle and foot wanted me to go forward, but my body went backwards so I had a really good sprain. It is still a little swollen actually so I might be going to a doctor here soon to see what is going on.Well I usually buy two gallons of milk every other week, one gallon for $3.29 or two for $5.49. I also buy some cereal depending on my mood as to what one. I sometimes buy the Hersey's chocolate syrup to make chocolate milk. Sometimes I will buy brownie mixes and make them up. I get eggs, bacon, bread, bagels, oysters, saltines, mac and cheese, ramen, and other things that I cannot think of right now.I can check the blog, well I think I can. That is cool though another girl. Dallin better step up and be a good big brother to those girls. I know he will, I will coach him when he gets older on what all to do. I had ideas of what to do to guys that you sisters would date, but I was younger so it would not work. I will live out my older brother fantasies through Dallin. Yeah that will work, my evil plans are coming together now....EXCELLENT!!!!Well I have just been doing the usual missionary thing. We have been working on finding new investigators through tracting and through the members. I think that tracting is a pain in the butt, but what else can you do? We have been getting the ward more missionary minded and they are getting more and more excited about it so that is really cool. I won't lie, last week I was actually really down/depressed. It felt like all I wanted to do was come home, since that is all that I hear about lately. I was also a little frustrated at the fact that I could not really do anything to work out my frustration since I hurt my ankle. I did however decide that I cannot let other people affect the way that I am feeling. So far it seems to be helping. I already know that I am going to have a lot of up and down moments in my mission and that as long as I rely on the Lord and those that I love, things will work out for me. You are all such a great support system to me. I really do not know where I would be without the family.Other than that things have not been to terribly exciting, just doing all that I can and making the best of everything. Well I hope that you are doing well and finding time to rest. I love you and keep you all in my prayers. Thank you for all that you do for me.Your Littlest Brother(in-law)-Elder Brickey

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