Monday, April 28, 2008

Emails 4-28-08

The Mommy-Thanks for the money it helped with the prescription. I do not know if you want to buy the creme, it is like $200 and I think the pills are fine by themselves. Yeah the creme did help, but I will be alright. We do not really get any questions about the Texas thing. Though we have been "briefed" about it by the members. Whenever something like that happens usually the members tell us about it so we know and can address it if it comes up while working, so that is always nice. For Mothers Day it will be pretty well just like Mount Shasta. Well I can actually call you or you call me, whatever. So we can figure out whatever. President Perry was actually really funny when we talked about the "time limit". He said that after I talk to just siblings I will be over and than to talk to mom takes at least 30 minutes and that is understated usually. He was really funny. As for who is there, pretty well everyone who was there last time. Grandparents, siblings, parents, Mickell, and Brie, Ry, and Jess if they want and if it is okay. I did hear from Mickell so thank you for giving him my email address. I think it is awesome that there will be 3 missionaries out at once from the Walker lines. That is good that the baptism was good. I still think it is weird that she is 8, but hey I am 20 so that does work out. I still feel like I am 16 or so though so it is weird.Well things are going well here. Our investigator is getting baptized this Saturday and things are just going really well. Well I heard that you are thinking about doing an addition, that is cool. I hope all is going well and that you are all safe and healthy. Take care and I love you mom.-Elder Brickey

Curley's-Whatever I know the family better than that....if you are playing cards you are soo gambling. I did hear about dad and Ryan McGraw's adventure. I think that I would freak out if I saw a body just laying there. Than again I am probably stupid enough to go over and poke it and see if it is alive. Of course than again I do not know cause you can say you will do one thing, but you will might not do that when the situation presents itself.Remodeling the house and an addition, interesting! I cannot believe that they are actually going to do that. It will be weird to have that happen while I am gone, a new change for me to get use to. Goodness a new dog, maybe a new addition man things are changing. I bet NERC is getting a little irritating, especially if you are not getting paid on a regular basis. Than again work is work especially if you need/want the money. I am sure that you can figure things out though.I love your kids, than again I love all my nieces and nephews. They are all so crazy. They all have their weird little quarks that make things interesting. I think it is funny though that they are already getting on each others nerves and know how to tick each other off. Than again that is what brothers and sisters do best. We do quite a bit of tracking. We have a pretty new ward and the work is new so there is a lot to do. I do agree though that after two years I am going to be pretty sick of "trick-or-treating" with not many treats. I have been lucky to not have any half-dressed people answer the door yet so that is good. Talk about an embarrassing. Well actually transfers were today! I am staying in Lincoln with Elder Remington, so at least another 6 weeks. Things are going really well. Our investigator, Andrea, is getting baptized this Saturday at 1 pm so that is cool. We are also getting a lot of work done so that is always good. On Mothers Day...I have church from 830 to about 3 because of meetings. I am not sure what time you guys have church, than again I could be the excuse for you to have to leave your dinner apt if you want, whatever.Well things are going great here. How are things gong for you? How does it feel to be OLD!!! HAHAHAHAHA Just playing don't hurt me please. Love you all and take care.-Elder Brickey

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