The Mommy-Hello there! Things are going really well here in Lincoln. Just this last week we were able to extend a baptismal date to one of our investigators, for May 3rd, and she accepted and is really excited. It is awesome because she got the Book of Mormon and read it all in one night. She said that she could not go to sleep she just wanted to read read read. Other than that, things are getting warmer and the work is going along pretty well. All the zones do have those awards, but in Mount Shasta we were not in the running for the award. The award was for a clean apartment and it is done before every Zone Conference, so once every 6 weeks about. The inspectors are either Office Missionaries or the Ward Mission Leader and his wife.On the shirts I believe that I am a large, a 16-16.5 neck or something like that. Oh and here is the address to Ed and Robyn Stokes in Mount Shasta. 1138 Pine Grove, Mount Shasta, CA 96067. It is actually Edwin, but he does go by Ed, whatever.Wow Taylor had her baby that is.....crazy. It is so weird to think about because we use to babysit that girl. I cannot believe that she is already a mom. I am glad though that things are going well for both her and the baby that is always really important.I am sorry to hear that Aunt Burdene died, though where she is now she is free of pain and her polio, she had that didn't she? Oh wells. I do remember that they were just going through the temple. How is Uncle Bill taking it? I am so glad to be a member in a church that believes that we can be together forever, otherwise I could not bear to lose anyone or even be here.Well I hope that all is going well for you. I cannot believe that Mothers Day is right around the bend and I will get to talk to all of you again! Well take care and I will talk to you later. Love you mom.Love,Elder Brickey
Curley Family-I am not sure I like the name "Kade-ey" it brings back bad memories from childhood. Anyways....I do like Lincoln, the area is really nice. The tempurature keeps climbing which could make things interesting though. We were able to set a baptismal date this last week so that was AWESOME! Usually for p-day we play ball at the Lincoln building with the youth in the wards here, than at like one we go into Rocklin and play ball with the other Elders in the zone. So that keeps things interesting and fun.Dallin that crazy kid. I bet he just loves to get into everything and see how far he can go before he gets busted. I do think it is funny that he takes and puts toilet paper in the toilet and flushes it though. I use to think it was cool cause anything that was in the toilet would disappear when you pressed the magic silver handle. Wow Saedy is talking that is awesome, she is so funny. Yeah she has always had a facination with her own hands and how they taste.That is to bad that Shan figured out what you were planning, she is pretty sneeky about finding things out. Than again that is good for you if you have an alliance with her, she can get all the info out of the enemy, just playing. It does sound like Oreo is being a pretty good dog. She is small so all the kids like to play with her and are not scared of her like they are Grizz. Now Oreo has taken the exact role of Shadow when you start petting Grizz she wants all the attention.I know it is crazy I cannot believe that Mothers Day is right around the corner and I get to talk to all of you again. I am so stoked, I miss talking to all of you so much it is rediculous.There have been actually quite a few little "tiffs" going around lately. I am so glad that I do not get worked up as easy as others do. I usually end up being the means of getting things to calm down and fixed so that is good I guess. We seem to be getting a lot done here in Lincoln actually I am really pleased with the area and am excited to keep working here.I did hear Taylor had the baby. Logan Victor, does he have a last name or is Victor the last name? I cannot believe that she is a mom, I use to babysit that girl. Wow I am getting old, but the one thing that comforts me is knowing that all my sibilings are older than me..;-) I think that it is funny how the two of you try to conceal things from each other, usually you find out what Ryan is doing and you keep it concealed as to what you are doing. You both make me laugh, you are both awesome.They like the freezer, that is funny. I so wish that I could see the two of them getting into everything like they are. It sounds SO funny to me to have Saedy playing with ice, probably confuses her, and Dallin hiding things in there. I guess he does not want them to "spoil" or go bad. It sounds like between the two things are really eventful at home. Now just think you are adding a 3rd to the mix, how fun is that going to be!?!For Mothers Day I would be fine going in on a gift for mom, sounds good to me. I am not sure what to get her either, than again being away for 6 months takes you out of the loop of things.Well I was glad to hear from you both and to hear how things are going. Love you both and I hope that things are going well for you. Take care of yourselves and your chillins.-Elder Brickey
Monday, April 14, 2008
Emails 4-14-2008
at 12:31 PM
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