Monday, April 21, 2008

Emails 4-21-08

The Mommy-I did get the package yesterday,thank you so much. Oh that is cool that the ward decided to start doing the plaques. For my name probably Elder Kincade W. Brickey. My favorite scripture is....either 2 Nephi 1:21 or Alma 29:9. Probably go with Alma though it deals with missionary work. For the picture I don't really care what one you use as long as it looks good. I know I cannot believe that Des is getting baptized, it is cool but so weird cause I do not feel like she should be old enough to be getting baptized. I do remember going to Smithfield and visiting them when Des was born. I remember also when Nicole and I went and stayed with them, that was in Logan though, and than I went up and stayed with them. I cannot believe that is has been 8 years since then, well almost. Yeah Nicole is graduating this year, it is crazy I swear that she just graduated, than again I still feel like I should still be in high school sometimes. I usually write Kyle every week, Brad hardly ever writes me back. Things are going pretty good with my companion, there is always those few exception things that will always drive me crazy it seems like though. I feel like I get to know each one of my companions really well, when you are with them 24/7 for at least 6 weeks, you get to know them really well and all the little things that they do. It is okay I have learned to have more patience and to overlook the little things.
Sorry I was not able to finish my last email, Elder Remington had a dentist appointment that we had to get too. Well in Mount Shasta they did do the reward sort of. Since we had our Ward Mission Leader inspecting our apartment and he did not really check it, we decided it would not be fair to the other Elders because we would always win in Mount Shasta. We were kinda considered outer darkness though. We hardly ever had contact with anyone else in the mission. I have not gotten my other shot, and the medical people here are not that pleased with me putting it off. They said that they had someone come down with Hep so they really want me to get in and get it taken care of. It is hard though cause we do not have a car and then we have to go on a Wednesday which is a pain. I will maybe get it taken care of eventually. I am very excited about the baptism, it seems like things are really working out here in Lincoln and that is awesome. The bike is teating me good other than some days I get really tired and sweaty so I feel like I stink really bad when I go to teach. I was kinda sore the first day, but now it does not really bother me. Well things are going really well here in Lincoln and it seems like the work is really starting to catch fire. I hope that all is going well for you back home and that you are doing well. Take care and I love you.-Elder Brickey

Hello Hello!The new area is going really well. Yeah we do p-day eve sometimes too. It depends on how we are feeling on if we do it or not. We have played Risk, Monopoly, Last Word, Scattergories, and a few other games. We have not done a pillow fight or anything crazy like that though. Your paper sounds really cool actually. It seems like the kind of thing that I really would like to do. I have always had fun with making up weird stratagies for assassinations and other stuff. I actually wrote a paper on "The Perfect Murder" and got a really good grade cause I had loads of fun doing it. James Bond stuff is fun and crazy.Your kids crack me up. From wanting to cook everything and anything to growling at people in Relief Society. I think that is absolutely halarious. HAHAHA! Yeah Del Coombs dog, Angel, is really fat. I cannot believe that she weighs more than Grizz does, that is sad. I still remember when Grizz and Shadow would disappear and be over at the Coombs house. Grizz would usually get bored though and come home which was funny.I am glad to hear that things are going pretty well for you and the baby. I can relate on not needing to know the gender, but it seems like everyone always wants to know. I think it is crazy that there will be another Curley running around the house when I get home. I truely hope that things do go well for you both. That is really the only thing that matters to me is that you are okay and safe.I am glad that you got my card. I saw it and it was an instantanious thought of "SHANNA" it was funny. I knew that you would like it so that also added to the excitement. I would have liked to see your face though as you read it, I bet it would have been funny. I am glad that it made you laugh, and that it was what you needed.Well things here in Lincoln are still pressing forward so that is good. Other than that though not much has changed. I hope all is going well for you back home. Take care and Love you all.-Elder Brickey

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