Monday, April 28, 2008

Emails 4-28-08

The Mommy-Thanks for the money it helped with the prescription. I do not know if you want to buy the creme, it is like $200 and I think the pills are fine by themselves. Yeah the creme did help, but I will be alright. We do not really get any questions about the Texas thing. Though we have been "briefed" about it by the members. Whenever something like that happens usually the members tell us about it so we know and can address it if it comes up while working, so that is always nice. For Mothers Day it will be pretty well just like Mount Shasta. Well I can actually call you or you call me, whatever. So we can figure out whatever. President Perry was actually really funny when we talked about the "time limit". He said that after I talk to just siblings I will be over and than to talk to mom takes at least 30 minutes and that is understated usually. He was really funny. As for who is there, pretty well everyone who was there last time. Grandparents, siblings, parents, Mickell, and Brie, Ry, and Jess if they want and if it is okay. I did hear from Mickell so thank you for giving him my email address. I think it is awesome that there will be 3 missionaries out at once from the Walker lines. That is good that the baptism was good. I still think it is weird that she is 8, but hey I am 20 so that does work out. I still feel like I am 16 or so though so it is weird.Well things are going well here. Our investigator is getting baptized this Saturday and things are just going really well. Well I heard that you are thinking about doing an addition, that is cool. I hope all is going well and that you are all safe and healthy. Take care and I love you mom.-Elder Brickey

Curley's-Whatever I know the family better than that....if you are playing cards you are soo gambling. I did hear about dad and Ryan McGraw's adventure. I think that I would freak out if I saw a body just laying there. Than again I am probably stupid enough to go over and poke it and see if it is alive. Of course than again I do not know cause you can say you will do one thing, but you will might not do that when the situation presents itself.Remodeling the house and an addition, interesting! I cannot believe that they are actually going to do that. It will be weird to have that happen while I am gone, a new change for me to get use to. Goodness a new dog, maybe a new addition man things are changing. I bet NERC is getting a little irritating, especially if you are not getting paid on a regular basis. Than again work is work especially if you need/want the money. I am sure that you can figure things out though.I love your kids, than again I love all my nieces and nephews. They are all so crazy. They all have their weird little quarks that make things interesting. I think it is funny though that they are already getting on each others nerves and know how to tick each other off. Than again that is what brothers and sisters do best. We do quite a bit of tracking. We have a pretty new ward and the work is new so there is a lot to do. I do agree though that after two years I am going to be pretty sick of "trick-or-treating" with not many treats. I have been lucky to not have any half-dressed people answer the door yet so that is good. Talk about an embarrassing. Well actually transfers were today! I am staying in Lincoln with Elder Remington, so at least another 6 weeks. Things are going really well. Our investigator, Andrea, is getting baptized this Saturday at 1 pm so that is cool. We are also getting a lot of work done so that is always good. On Mothers Day...I have church from 830 to about 3 because of meetings. I am not sure what time you guys have church, than again I could be the excuse for you to have to leave your dinner apt if you want, whatever.Well things are going great here. How are things gong for you? How does it feel to be OLD!!! HAHAHAHAHA Just playing don't hurt me please. Love you all and take care.-Elder Brickey

Monday, April 21, 2008

Emails 4-21-08

The Mommy-I did get the package yesterday,thank you so much. Oh that is cool that the ward decided to start doing the plaques. For my name probably Elder Kincade W. Brickey. My favorite scripture is....either 2 Nephi 1:21 or Alma 29:9. Probably go with Alma though it deals with missionary work. For the picture I don't really care what one you use as long as it looks good. I know I cannot believe that Des is getting baptized, it is cool but so weird cause I do not feel like she should be old enough to be getting baptized. I do remember going to Smithfield and visiting them when Des was born. I remember also when Nicole and I went and stayed with them, that was in Logan though, and than I went up and stayed with them. I cannot believe that is has been 8 years since then, well almost. Yeah Nicole is graduating this year, it is crazy I swear that she just graduated, than again I still feel like I should still be in high school sometimes. I usually write Kyle every week, Brad hardly ever writes me back. Things are going pretty good with my companion, there is always those few exception things that will always drive me crazy it seems like though. I feel like I get to know each one of my companions really well, when you are with them 24/7 for at least 6 weeks, you get to know them really well and all the little things that they do. It is okay I have learned to have more patience and to overlook the little things.
Sorry I was not able to finish my last email, Elder Remington had a dentist appointment that we had to get too. Well in Mount Shasta they did do the reward sort of. Since we had our Ward Mission Leader inspecting our apartment and he did not really check it, we decided it would not be fair to the other Elders because we would always win in Mount Shasta. We were kinda considered outer darkness though. We hardly ever had contact with anyone else in the mission. I have not gotten my other shot, and the medical people here are not that pleased with me putting it off. They said that they had someone come down with Hep so they really want me to get in and get it taken care of. It is hard though cause we do not have a car and then we have to go on a Wednesday which is a pain. I will maybe get it taken care of eventually. I am very excited about the baptism, it seems like things are really working out here in Lincoln and that is awesome. The bike is teating me good other than some days I get really tired and sweaty so I feel like I stink really bad when I go to teach. I was kinda sore the first day, but now it does not really bother me. Well things are going really well here in Lincoln and it seems like the work is really starting to catch fire. I hope that all is going well for you back home and that you are doing well. Take care and I love you.-Elder Brickey

Hello Hello!The new area is going really well. Yeah we do p-day eve sometimes too. It depends on how we are feeling on if we do it or not. We have played Risk, Monopoly, Last Word, Scattergories, and a few other games. We have not done a pillow fight or anything crazy like that though. Your paper sounds really cool actually. It seems like the kind of thing that I really would like to do. I have always had fun with making up weird stratagies for assassinations and other stuff. I actually wrote a paper on "The Perfect Murder" and got a really good grade cause I had loads of fun doing it. James Bond stuff is fun and crazy.Your kids crack me up. From wanting to cook everything and anything to growling at people in Relief Society. I think that is absolutely halarious. HAHAHA! Yeah Del Coombs dog, Angel, is really fat. I cannot believe that she weighs more than Grizz does, that is sad. I still remember when Grizz and Shadow would disappear and be over at the Coombs house. Grizz would usually get bored though and come home which was funny.I am glad to hear that things are going pretty well for you and the baby. I can relate on not needing to know the gender, but it seems like everyone always wants to know. I think it is crazy that there will be another Curley running around the house when I get home. I truely hope that things do go well for you both. That is really the only thing that matters to me is that you are okay and safe.I am glad that you got my card. I saw it and it was an instantanious thought of "SHANNA" it was funny. I knew that you would like it so that also added to the excitement. I would have liked to see your face though as you read it, I bet it would have been funny. I am glad that it made you laugh, and that it was what you needed.Well things here in Lincoln are still pressing forward so that is good. Other than that though not much has changed. I hope all is going well for you back home. Take care and Love you all.-Elder Brickey

Monday, April 14, 2008

Emails 4-14-2008

The Mommy-Hello there! Things are going really well here in Lincoln. Just this last week we were able to extend a baptismal date to one of our investigators, for May 3rd, and she accepted and is really excited. It is awesome because she got the Book of Mormon and read it all in one night. She said that she could not go to sleep she just wanted to read read read. Other than that, things are getting warmer and the work is going along pretty well. All the zones do have those awards, but in Mount Shasta we were not in the running for the award. The award was for a clean apartment and it is done before every Zone Conference, so once every 6 weeks about. The inspectors are either Office Missionaries or the Ward Mission Leader and his wife.On the shirts I believe that I am a large, a 16-16.5 neck or something like that. Oh and here is the address to Ed and Robyn Stokes in Mount Shasta. 1138 Pine Grove, Mount Shasta, CA 96067. It is actually Edwin, but he does go by Ed, whatever.Wow Taylor had her baby that is.....crazy. It is so weird to think about because we use to babysit that girl. I cannot believe that she is already a mom. I am glad though that things are going well for both her and the baby that is always really important.I am sorry to hear that Aunt Burdene died, though where she is now she is free of pain and her polio, she had that didn't she? Oh wells. I do remember that they were just going through the temple. How is Uncle Bill taking it? I am so glad to be a member in a church that believes that we can be together forever, otherwise I could not bear to lose anyone or even be here.Well I hope that all is going well for you. I cannot believe that Mothers Day is right around the bend and I will get to talk to all of you again! Well take care and I will talk to you later. Love you mom.Love,Elder Brickey

Curley Family-I am not sure I like the name "Kade-ey" it brings back bad memories from childhood. Anyways....I do like Lincoln, the area is really nice. The tempurature keeps climbing which could make things interesting though. We were able to set a baptismal date this last week so that was AWESOME! Usually for p-day we play ball at the Lincoln building with the youth in the wards here, than at like one we go into Rocklin and play ball with the other Elders in the zone. So that keeps things interesting and fun.Dallin that crazy kid. I bet he just loves to get into everything and see how far he can go before he gets busted. I do think it is funny that he takes and puts toilet paper in the toilet and flushes it though. I use to think it was cool cause anything that was in the toilet would disappear when you pressed the magic silver handle. Wow Saedy is talking that is awesome, she is so funny. Yeah she has always had a facination with her own hands and how they taste.That is to bad that Shan figured out what you were planning, she is pretty sneeky about finding things out. Than again that is good for you if you have an alliance with her, she can get all the info out of the enemy, just playing. It does sound like Oreo is being a pretty good dog. She is small so all the kids like to play with her and are not scared of her like they are Grizz. Now Oreo has taken the exact role of Shadow when you start petting Grizz she wants all the attention.I know it is crazy I cannot believe that Mothers Day is right around the corner and I get to talk to all of you again. I am so stoked, I miss talking to all of you so much it is rediculous.There have been actually quite a few little "tiffs" going around lately. I am so glad that I do not get worked up as easy as others do. I usually end up being the means of getting things to calm down and fixed so that is good I guess. We seem to be getting a lot done here in Lincoln actually I am really pleased with the area and am excited to keep working here.I did hear Taylor had the baby. Logan Victor, does he have a last name or is Victor the last name? I cannot believe that she is a mom, I use to babysit that girl. Wow I am getting old, but the one thing that comforts me is knowing that all my sibilings are older than me..;-) I think that it is funny how the two of you try to conceal things from each other, usually you find out what Ryan is doing and you keep it concealed as to what you are doing. You both make me laugh, you are both awesome.They like the freezer, that is funny. I so wish that I could see the two of them getting into everything like they are. It sounds SO funny to me to have Saedy playing with ice, probably confuses her, and Dallin hiding things in there. I guess he does not want them to "spoil" or go bad. It sounds like between the two things are really eventful at home. Now just think you are adding a 3rd to the mix, how fun is that going to be!?!For Mothers Day I would be fine going in on a gift for mom, sounds good to me. I am not sure what to get her either, than again being away for 6 months takes you out of the loop of things.Well I was glad to hear from you both and to hear how things are going. Love you both and I hope that things are going well for you. Take care of yourselves and your chillins.-Elder Brickey

Monday, April 7, 2008


Sister Roberts and I have attached the award presented to your elder at the last zone conference. He and his companion were able to clean their very old and worn apartment well enough to win third place. They were only one clean widow sill away from second place. It is a pleasure to associate with him and the other elders.

Hey, I just thought you would like to see this!

Emails 4-7-08

We had a comment made that Kade answers questions but it is confusing cause you don't know the questions. So we thought it would be good to try posting our email to him first...then his to us. We will try this and see how it works. Leave a comment if you like the emails from us, or just the ones from him.

Well, we announced the pregnancy on April fools. All we did was put April 1st in the Subject then send a picture of a pregnant woman-a clipart. So far no one thought it was a joke, which is what we wanted, but most everyone we have talked to have said they were wondering, and if so when we would announce.
This last week has been not much, I can't even remember what all we have done. We went and saw the new addition, I sent a picture, I hope it came through. If not let me know and I will do it again. That was for family night. Then on Tuesday I had scouts, which was good. Jarrett finished his bear and will be getting that. Wednesday was pretty uneventful. Dad did spend most of the day at home and once mom was home Dad and I went and ran some errands. They were pretty easy, but of course took all afternoon. I don't remember anything. Thursday was just chillin most of the day. Then that night Mom and I went and played Volleyball. Friday I went grocery shopping then Cassie, Kenna, K, and Kirk came over with dinner and a movie. They also came over Sat night for Sundaes. I loved listening and watching conference. It was weird not have Pres Hinkley get up. I kept expecting him. But Pres Monson will be a great Prophet. All the talks were great.
Mom and I worked on cards during the sessions. We got a lot accomplished. It has been nice to have some time as a family.
So how was your week?? Did you watch conference at the church building? Were you able to get any investigators out? How are you and your companion getting along? How is the area? Are you making sure you get pics of the area and other fun stuff? Any other fun info?
Well not much else. Not sure if you heard, Kellie had her twins. She had them on the 2nd and Jonathan LeRoy was first then Beth Ann, but she did not want to come so they had to take her c-section. But all are doing well. I am sure dad will tell you more.
Tyson Craig Harper came home just over a week ago. He is still small, but is doing well. They won't be taking him out any time soon.
Taylor could go at any time. Her official date is the 16 of April. If she does not have him by the 23rd she will be induced.
Not sure if there is anything else. Take care and talk to you soon.
Sounds like you are liking your area so far. That is good. Some times you don't know what to expect until you get into the area and it takes you a couple of weeks to decide if you like it or not. Hopefully you will. The nice thing is if you can meet enough people, there are usually at least a couple of people you will like.
That's cool that Brie writes you. It is nice to have a female opinion about things. The more people that write, the better.
So your dad got your mom a gift. He was in Denver and sent her a gift just because. I think she likes it. They have been doing good. They haven't fought in a long time.
Shanna's birthday is coming up. I am making birthday plans. I cannot tell you right now what I am doing because the enemy may intercept the message. I'll let you know later on what I did.
Dallin's latest thing is climbing on things. He will climb on the table when people are trying to eat dinner. He'll climb into his or Saedy's crib and get stuck because he doesn't know how to get out. He'll climb up on the kitchen counter and try and get treats for himself after mom and dad said "no." He's a rather clever fellow.
Saedy is going through a phase of hitting everyone. You pick her up, she'll hit you in the face. You put her down, she'll hit you in the leg. You give her something to eat she doesn't like, she'll hit your hand. She can be violent.
Speaking of violence, you'll never guess what happened. I came home from school on April Fools and saw cop cars by our house. I thought to myself they were raiding the drug house across the street. I got out of the car. Shanna and the kids were out front. Shanna pointed and I turned around. As I did so, I saw the cops slap the cuffs on Brother Robinson. They put him in the back of the police cruiser and got a statement from Sister Robinson. We don't know what he has been arrested for. Your mom thinks it is either physical abuse or sexual abuse. Your mom tried to call her after the cops left, with Mr. Robinson, but Sister Robinson didn't say what it was about. I'll probably find out when I go to my PEC meeting next week. C-r-a-z-y.
School is almost done with--for now. It will be nice to have more time with the family.
Well, you take care.

I did get the picture of the Colt it is really cute. I cannot believe it Grandpa has another baby to work with. Than again he does such an awesome job with horses and animals, he is such a stud. It sounds like you are getting OLD Shan, forgetting stuff I think is a sign of alzheimers(spelling?). It does sound like the family is getting together more often though now. I sometimes wish that I was there to participate, but hey I will be there eventually I guess. Yeah I kept looking for President Hinckley, but President Monson is awesome and he is ready to be Prophet. My week has been interesting to say the least. We had a companionship get into a fight so my Comp and I went and difused the situation by going on exchanges with them for a while. They are fine now but I thought for sure that things were not going to be good. I guess it paid out to be raised by three girls, I mean women, that way I could really listen and give advise that seemed to help out. We watched conference in the Rocklin Stake Center. Saturday we left our apt at 8:15 am and did not get back till about 8:15 pm. We just stayed at the church in between sessions since it is like 20-30 miles just to get there one way. We had a few investigators watch it either at their homes or with a member. My comp and I are getting along really good. He is fun, and I get along with almost anyone as it is so it is good. The area is doing awesome. This last week we found 2 new investigators and the work seems to be going forward well. It is not fast, but it is going forward which is what matters. I am trying to get pictures of things, but there does not seem to be that much here. It is flat and just feels like Draper or something like that. Oh my gosh Taylor is due that soon, where the heck have I been??? So is it a boy or girl or do they not want to know? Man that is weird to think about, actually it is really scary and creepy. I decided right off the bat that no matter what the area was like I was going in with a positive attitude, and it seems to be working for me. It is really nice to have Brie writing me. Her letters are nice and she is awesome so that is good. I hope your plan works out against your "enemy" if not it is probably because she is crafty and knows the way of the force. ;-) Wow Dallin seems to be getting into everything, than again he almost was when I left so that can be expected in 6 months. It sounds like the word "NO" means nothing when it is directed to him, but probably means the world when coming from him. Saedy is violent, hmm that is kinda funny. I did not have anything to do with it is all I have to say. No just playing. I cannot believe that they are both getting so big, but than again it is only natural. OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS, Brother Robinson got arrested, that is definiatly interesting. Sadly though I am not suprised, he has always been a little off to me. Than again I decided I did not like him when he chewed me out a couple times over stupid things. Oh wells I guess, but interesting. Well I hope that things are going well for all of you. Give my love to the chillins. Love you tons.
-Elder Brickey

So are you adjusting to the new companion and new area? We got more snow today - are you far enough south to get just rain? What is your place like? How big is your area? How is the ward(s)? Well I lost Oreo for awhile yesterday. She has been so
good to stay in the yard that I didn't check on her enough and she took off. We walked and drove the area but couldn't find her, after awhile one of the Hansen
girls came to the door with her. So we got a phone call from a lady with a package. Then she came and delivered it. I didn't talk to her, so who was it? That was soooo awesome for her to do. What's with the clothes, don't need them or what? Did you get an e-mail about Mom and Dad's new arrival? We will have to take some pictures and send them to you. Well be good and take care - the mommy
I'm glad that things are going good for you in your new area and with your new companion. So far as the package you sent - two shirts, pjs, letters, journal and stuff from the MTC, shark and M&M guy and three puzzles I think that was about it. I would like to send a thank you, do you know their address or at least their first
names? The new arrival is a colt. Dad bought a new horse that wasn't pregnant - surprise! Shan took a picture and is going to send it to you. The poor thing is VERY knocked-kneed. I'm glad that you finally got the packages, how come you didn't get much of it? What I usually did was pay tithing on the net not the gross. Then I would pay on the return. If you paid on the gross then its already paid. So I can pay or not, let me know. Yes it is weird that Shadow is gone. I still catch myself
saying 'Shadow and Grizz'. Dallin still says 'Shadow, Grizz'. Well take care - the mommy
Did you get to watch conference yesterday and today? If so where at? It was kind of weird not to see President Hinckley there. I enjoyed hearing from President Monson - he was very funny and also very spiritual. I also liked how he said that he would pray for us and would we please pray for him. Well that old phone I was using finally died. Shan and your dad took it to sprint and they said it wasn't worth fixing. So they picked out a new one - a fancy red one - hopefully I will be able to figure out how to use it. Aunt Burdene (dad's sister - the one that had polio) is bad. She is pretty well unresponsive, hospice has been coming in to help out.
Things are going pretty good here, a couple warm days then a couple cold - usual spring weather. My lawn is not looking good hopefully it will get better. How are things there? Are you still okay on stuff or do you need something?
Well take care - the mommy

The Mommy-
I remember Edwin Stokes, I cannot remember his wifes name, but I do have their address so I could get that for you. I will send it to you next week. Oh wow a horse that was not pregnant and then a colt. That is exciting I guess. Hey two for the price of one, till you get to feeding it. I have no idea what knocked-kneed is, so could you fill me in on that? The reason I did not get much of the candy is that I was nice and shared with the five other Elders in the complex, and a couple REALLY like candy but at the same time that works cause I am gettin a little chubby. I think I just paid on the net so go ahead and pay tithing on the tax returns. I did get to watch ALL of conference. The part I did not like was it felt like I NEVER left the Rocklin Stake Center Saturday or Sunday. It was very strange to not see President Hinckley, but I do feel like President Monson will do an amazing job and I have always liked him. Oh you have a new phone, that is cool. I am sorry to hear that Aunt Burdene is getting worse, that has to be tough for everyone. Things here have been warm, not super hot yet which is nice. I am not that excited to get the HOT, especially when I am wearing dark slacks and a high neck shirt. Speaking of which I need a couple shirts, the short sleeve ones which are like 60% cotton and 40%poly. For the most part though things are going really well here. The work is picking up and things seem to be progressing along really nicely. I think that a couple shirts is all I need, unless there are some ties that I could get since they are the only thing that I can really change in my wardrobe. Well I hope that things are going well and that you can figure out the new phone. Well I hope I answered all your questions, love you.
Elder Brickey