Monday, July 27, 2009

Emails 7-26-09

The Mommy-I will not lie I do not really sleep when it is super hot. You know me I am a furnace and do not really need the heat. It has been good though because I have programed the tstat so it gets the apartment cooling down for when we get in and by the time we go to bed it is not horrible. The only problem was making sure that the other missionaries did not mess with it or turn it off during the day otherwise it got sweltering hot. I do not think I have gotten heat stroke, though I have gotten sick of drinking water in a day. I drank over 4 liters and that was not good for the belly. I have started drinking juices and such to replace the different things that I sweat out so hopefully that will help. Our investigator from Napal actually moved here for better opportunities and such. She is 50 and lives with her son and his family. She is really cool and made it to church on Sunday so that was good. The only down thing is that the only member that speaks Napale or a Eastern Indian language that she can understand is on vacation for the next two weeks. She wants to get baptized but she wants to give a talk when she does and she is not very comfortable with her english. We went bowling on last Pday with the missionaries from the Antelope zone and Citrus Heights zone, it was really cool. I did really terrible but it has been a while. Things are good here though. It is cooling down into the 90s now so that is nice. I heard that it is in the 80s and low 90s in Utah. I am jealous of that for sure. I am actually really excited for the fact of being in cooler/cold weather again. That is good that the lakes are doing good there. Things here are a little bleek. Water levels are not so good so it is nice to hear that home is doing well. I also want to play in water pretty bad. Our apartment complex has two pools and we ride past the one EVERY day which is loads of fun. I would not mind some pictures from Nicole and Ben's wedding. She might be sending some so you might want to coop that. I have a lot of space in my photo album so I am all good that way. I did get your package, thanks I really appreciate it. It was good to "retire" some old gs, they really needed it. I do not understand how I abuse them so much but I do. Well our other investigators are a bit slim. We have been working with this one lady that has some really serious health issues which prevent her from coming to church, so that is hard. We than are working with this in home nurse and she is REALLY busy, but has a lot of potencial. Other than that we are working with a few of the less actives in our ward and trying to get them back to church, the priesthood, or to the temple. We are working with a lot of cool and good people that way. Wow that is cool that Scott Ellison has been out for that long, I think Scott Twitchell is about the same in his mission. I could not tell you off hand. Well good news I am going to the dentist on Wednesday. I am going to finally get everything finished up so that is good. I am doing well too. There has not been to much exciting going on lately other than missionary work. Well I love you and hope you are well. Take care.Love always your son,Elder Brickey

Hello There!To tell you honestly I had no idea that it was even the 24th or that it was Pioneer day. It was just another day to me. It is weird how holidays do not mean much when you are a missionary. I do not think that the ward did anything to celebrate, I do not know. Other than that it has been hot and it is REALLY fun being out in it, but hey the Lord called and I responded. It is really good actually because sometimes people let us in due to the heat. We were also lucky and had one of our investigators come to church. She is awesome and wants to be baptized, but first wants to improve her english so she can talk in sacrament meeting after. Yeah that is a new one for me. Than again teaching a none christian was interesting in itself. I am doing well other than that. Especially compared to you Shan. Maybe you should go on a mission the Lord seems to protect us a great deal. It seems like you have gotten all the abuse that I probably would have gotten if I did not come on the mission. You know like when I dislocated my shoulder, than almost cut my finger off, than went and got REALLY sick, etc wonderful times. I hope that you get feeling better Shan and take it easy so that you do not make it worse. I really have learned that one here on the mission. That is cool that the kids are all growing up and on the move, keeping you on your toes I bet. That is sweet that Dallin said he wanted to get baptized when he gets older too. I bet that made you really excited and happy when you heard that. Kids are awesome and they are SO fun. Well than again I do not have to deal with the screaming and such so that is good too. I am glad that you were able to have some kind of fun though, even if it had a wreck involved and pain. I guess you need to be more careful and less clutzy, just playing. Well I love you all and send you my best wishes. Take care.Love,Elder Brickey

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