Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Email 7-20-09

The Mommy-Well HI there! How are you doing this fine and wonderful day? Things here are going well. I have been cooking the treats myself. I have made the smores like 10+ times and the brownie pudding only once. The brownie pudding was in Oroville with a Hawaiian family, well half Hawaiian their names are the Halls. Sister Hall is really cool to because she liked it better if we called her Auntie because she felt like we were her family. The smores have ranged from members to comanions to my district and zone. It is a huge hit with everyone that tries it so far. I have given out a couple copies of the recipes though and people usually have me come show them how to make them or try when they were feeding us next. It was really fun. It is getting really hot. My speedometer has a built in thermostat and it has read between 76 (which is usually our apartmen) and 127 is the highest I have seen it so far. It really is hot and sucks to be biking in it. We try to ride to get the wind but it is roasting hot too so it does not work so well. I do not know either the Lunt or Glazner name so, I do not know who they are. I still liked their pictures though. We have found our investigators through tracting and one was a referral from the Auburn Zone Leaders. She lived there and moved into our ward. She is really neat she is from Napal and is a little hard to understand at times but it is fun to talk to her. We are about 10-20 minutes from Roseville. It is not part of our Zone. Each Zone is usually one stake. We are in the Antelope stake then there is the Citrus Heights stake then it is Roseville. This past week though has been fun. Today we actually went into Citrus Heights and went bowling which was fun. I did not do so well for a while, I am a little out of practice. Other than that we had a lot of cancelled lessons which was sad but hey that is what happens. We do have some good potencial though. Our one investigator called us her boys and was sad that she could not stay and talk to us for a while because she is a nurse and said that it was to hot for us to be out. That was pretty good. It sounds like Steel Days was pretty cool. They did start going up to Art Dye before I left. I remember because we could not hear the concert as good when they moved up there. Why is Kirt in Europe? That is cool though I would love to drive in Germany and go ZOOM ZOOM. So it is probably better that I not go there cause I might die. Well things are going well. I am still in one piecw for the most part. Things are going good though and I am happy with the way things are shaping up. Well I love you mom and hope you are doing well. Take care and I will talk to you later. Oh yeah I got things lined up for my dental. If everything turns out the way it sounds I will only need $200 put into my account to get everything covered. I will keep you posted though. LOVE YOU!Love always your son,Elder Brickey

Curley's-Well I am glad to hear that you were able to get out of your lease. I know it was causing stress so I am glad it all worked out in the end. I am sure that the job thing will to eventually. If you do go out of state that would be fun to go and chill there for a while. I was actually thinking at one time in the mission of doing like a road trip when I got home but there is that need of money that always stinks so maybe not. Well I am sure the Lord will take care of you. You do have quite the spread though of possibilites with states though I do have to admit. Wow I do have to admit that for suveneurs there is not really anything special. There is the Nor Cal stuff but I can really careless about spending $20-$50 on either a shirt or jacket, no thanks. I have had a few knives offered, once a gun but I am not sure how legal it would have been. There is also a TV that I might be able to get from a guy I was working with in Chico. He wants a bigger TV and I told him that I would love a TV like the one he has, so he told me that when the mission is over to stop by and he might just give it to me. Who knows though because I do not know how I would get that home. I have no clue actually as to why this city is called Antelope. You could probably find it on Wikipedia or whatever. I am ready to call it quits with the heat. It is in the 100s everyday which stinks. I go through A LOT of water. I have a camelback and I drink it like it is going out of style. The only thing is that I get water logged in my stomach but I still feel partched which sucks! Oh well it will make Utah SO nice to come into. That is cool that you saw two deer, and bucks at that. I love to see wildlife, though I have not seen anything for quite a while since I left Mt. Shasta. Well things are going good none the less. I cannot believe that it is almost 21 months since I left. Time is flying by it is nuts. Well I love you and wish you the best. Take care and I will talk to you later.Love,Elder Brickey

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