Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Emails 6-1-09

The Mommy-Well I am glad that I was able to shock you a little bit. I wondered what you would say when I called. It was funny both you and dad were both like "wait it cannot be him because he is not suppose to be calling" which made it fun. Than having you both guess was pretty fun too. Well I go in and get the work done in a couple hours and I will let you know one way or another how things went. That is scary that the swine flu has hit the MTC. I am thankful that I am not in there right now. It is hard because you are in such close quarters that if someone gets sick a lot of people will. That is cool though that Brady is on his way to the MTC and to the field. I did not heard about Elder Nelson being attacked. That is scary, I bet for them as well of course. That just shows you how scary that times are and how bad. Well it sounds like things are going pretty good back home. I cannot believe that Nicole and Ben will be married this weekend. I hope that everything goes well for it and that it is just awesome. Well things here are good. We are working our tails off now that school is out to try and find new investigators. I know that the Lord has some out there just waiting so it is only a matter of time til we find them. I will get the receipt from the dentist and hang on to it. If you want I could send it to you. Well thanks again for the package I really appreciate it. I hope you are well and that this week goes well. LOVE YOU! Take care and I will talk to you later.Love your son,Elder Brickey

Curley's-Well it sounds like you have had a busy week and a busy one lies ahead. I hope that you can find the time for yourselves and relax a bit. It was fun to call home and freak out mom and dad. They had no idea who I was. Mom did pretty good though she did call me Kirt and dad seemed to nervous to take a guess. Then when I told them they were VERY surprised. My companion can either sit in the waiting room or come back and sit in a chair and watch. Either way I feel bad cause it is boring just sitting there. I think it is boring and I am getting the work done! Zone Conference was awesome! We had some good things explained to us about baptismal invitations. In Preach My Gospel it has the invitation on pg 40(ish), 54(ish), 60(ish) and 72(ish) and they are all the same and are BOLD! So that was a good thing to see and it makes me excited because this Thursday we are going to try it out! We also talked about first impressions and what we missionaries need to do to give the best first impression that we can. It was really cool. It sounds like your kids are pretty fun! That is funny that Dallin is a streaker, well kind of. He did not get that from me though that is for sure. Well at least not to my knowledge. Well things are going good here. We have a good climb ahead of us to get things going because of school being out but hey I look forward to it. Other than that we are still working with the wards and trying to get them more missionary minded. Well I hope your week goes well. Take care and I will talk to you later.Love,Elder Brickey

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