The Mommy-Hey there how are you doing this week? Things here are going particularly well. I did get the package that you sent to me with all the Easter stuff. Well for the softball games it is something new but President Pendleton really liked it and wants to do it again so that is really cool. It makes the meetings something to look forward to and be excited for. Yeah I have a hole in the second tooth back from my canine on the top right of my mouth (my perspective with my tongue). I am not sure how it started or anything but I just remember eating something and it hurt bad so I started brushing extra good and flossing and rising with mouthwash. Than one day I saw this shadow and so I stuck a toothpick in and it went into my tooth so I decided to go to the dentist to see what was up with it. I will not lie I have no idea what an onlay is. I do know that from the xray that was taken there was the shadow or darker color that went up to my root so I am suppose to get a root canal because the root has been damaged or what not. Anyway I will talk to the dentist that will be doing the root canal and let you know what he says. That is cool though that things went well for Nicole and Ben in getting their endowments out. I have heard about the painting in the St. George Temple. I will have to get down there and see it some time. Other than my tooth things are going well. We sadly had an investigator that was getting ready to be baptized drop us. He went and told his parents that he wanted to be baptized and they antied him so he does not even talk to us anymore. We are still going to try and get into contact with him though. Other than that we are trying to get some new investigators and some things going. We have a lot of lessons set up for tomorrow so that will be good. Well other than that I am doing well and going strong. The weather here is warm and sunny. It is crazy to have hot weather so early but it works. Well I love you and hope you are doing well. Take care and I will talk to you later.Love your son,Elder Brickey
Curley's-Well it sounds like things are going well for all you back home. I am glad to hear that you had a good time (ish) at the St. George Temple trip. I am sorry to hear that Saedy is sick and not herself. I hated being sick and still do actually. I hope that she is doing better. That is funny that Dallin likes to be Clark Kent. Well things are going well here though. We have a lot of good potencial and it seems like we have some good things coming up this week. Since school is now out, well College anyways, there are less people so that might be a little tricky. We also have Zone Conference coming up this Wednesday so we have to prepare for that which is fun. It is up in Anderson so it is a bit of a drive and a bit of miles that we have to drive which is not fun when you have a limit on miles. Oh well it will be good. Well other than that things I guess are good. I hope that all the kids are doing well and not causing to much mischief. I also hope that you are doing well and finding time for yourselves since life is getting a little busy with everything that is going on. Well take care and I will talk to you later.Love,Elder Brickey
Monday, May 25, 2009
Emails 5/25/09
at 9:01 PM
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