Monday, March 9, 2009

Emails 3-9-09

The Mommy-Hello there! How are you doing this week? I am doing well other than I got sick for some odd reason this past week. I than had to go and get my companion sick so now we are battling together to get better. Things are good though. The Temple trip was AWESOME! We did get permission to go down and it was an ALL day trip. We left our apartment at 8 am and got back to our apartment at 9 pm. We went to the Sacramento Temple. It sounds like the Draper Temple is set up a lot like the Sacramento Temple and the Medfore Temple. I think that is the "new" way to build the Temples. It is weird to compare them to Mt Timp because it is SO much bigger. They are awesome though and such a blessing to have and to be able to get more Temples built in more locations that way too. I cannot believe how beautiful a sealing is and how emotional. It was great to be able to participate in it and get to see. Well the contacts that we got at church two Sundays ago we have not really ever worked with the people that brought them to church before. It is cool to work in a College town because all the people in your ward meet and mingle with SO many non-members that is makes the work go forward way faster. We had lessons with all the people that we had appointments with, and they went great. The work went really good actually this last week, even though we had Zone Conference and went to the Temple we almost made all our goals. Wow that is cool that Skylar Carter is heading into the MTC this week. It is crazy to see all the missionaries out from our stake, there are like 20 somthing. Wow they redid the 36th ward, that is sad news. I love Bishop Healey. Then not to mention he helped me get ready to go on my mission so that means a lot to me. I know it is weird to think that I am almost 18 months out on the mission. It feels like just yesterday that I left. It is all good though because there is still a lot that I can do and have plenty of time to get it done. I am excited to get to talk with you all though in May, I do miss hearing your voices. Well I love you mom and I hope that you are doing well. Take care and I will talk to you later.Love your son,Elder Brickey

Aloha-How are you all doing? How did the cake go? How was defending your paper? Hope all of it went well for you and that there was not to much stress involved with it. My week was a good one. We picked up 5 new investigators and had some awesome lessons. It is such a blessing to be a missionary right now. I keep hearing and see a little bit of the financial crisis that the country is in, but it has helped a lot of people turn to religion and made them more humble. The majority of the work though right now is in the YSA ward. Man do they know how to do missionary work. I was able to go to the Temple and it was such a GREAT experience to have. I do not know if I have ever seen such love present in a room as I on that day. I won't lie I even cried a bit, yeah I admit it I cry! Anywho. It was wonderful though to see the light in their eyes and know that they will be together forever. What a wonderful blessing. I would join the church for that reason alone, to be together forever with family. I thought of you all though and thought of all of you and wondered how wonderful the day was when you got sealed and the light and love that showed on your faces. I think it will be awesome to get to go to the Temple when I get home with ALL of my family, what an awesome thing to get to look forward too. Well I am getting to know Chico but do not think that I will be getting transfered for a little while. I will more than likely get transferred though one more time. I still have 5 transfers left so that is plenty of time to get transferred again. Well things are going well for me, well other than I am sick but recovering now. I thank you for all you do and all your love and support. Give the kids a squeeze for me. Give one to mom and dad too for me. I love you very much. Take care and I will talk to you later.Love,Elder Brickey

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