Monday, March 16, 2009

Emails 3-16-09

The Mommy-I am feeling better now so that is nice. My comp is still under the weather though so that is no good but we will survive. It was awesome to be able to go and see a sealing. We usually do not get to go and see them just because we either are to far away or else we cannot due to appointments or some other reason. I did remember time change. Than again it seems like as though we have a lot of reminders from ward members and investigators so we usually do not miss out on things. I am doing well over all though. We went on exchanges the other day, where we split with another companionship and one of us goes to their area to work and one of the other missionaries comes to our area to work, and I got to drive! We have a 2008 Chevy Malibu so it is REALLY nice and has a good chunk of power behind it, V6. Other than that though things are going pretty good. It is Spring Break for Chico State so there are a lot of our investigators going out of town, going back home, so that puts a damper on the work for the coming week. We will survive though we always do. That is cool that both Brady and Jake have their mission calls. That makes me feel really old. That is cool that you were able to go to Ty and Sammi's wedding. I got an invitation so that was pretty cool to see. It is still really weird to think that I will be the only single Brickey when I get home. I did not know that Misty and Mandy were pregnant. I hope all goes well for them. Thank you for forwarding the WaMu letter. I have not received it yet though I did get my new shoes the other day. They are not the same shoe but that is ok because I like these ones more. They are by far more comfortable, kinda goofy looking but that is ok. Holy cow Chelsea Coombs is getting married!?! Is she back in church or is it going to be civil? Or do you even know? Anyways. Well things are going well. We have had a good bit of sunshine lately and that has been really nice to be able to partake of. I cannot believe how nice the weather is already actually. Well I hope that you are doing well mom. I love you so much and appreciate all that you have done and do for me. Thank you so much. Love you!Love your son,Elder Brickey

Curley's-I do have to admit that if someone were to drill me for an hour I would get pretty irritated and probably snap. I sometimes have issues with people that are dumb or yell at us for like 5 minutes. I am getting better though and usually am able to just walk away from most situations like that now. I do not envy you at all though Ryan, 51 pages is A LOT of paper. I am glad though that you did well and passed. I knew you would do well, you are a good cookie! ;-) Good luck with the summer job thing. I keep hearing about the unemployment and how the US is not doing so well. I heard that the unemployment is like 10% or something like that. I am sure that you will find something somewhere. So I am not exactly sure what an adjunct is so if you could let me know I would appreciate it. I am not sure what I am doing for school. I do want to go to USU, Kyle wants me to go to BYU, so I might just go to UVU for a little while and then figure out what I want to do and then transfer somewhere. I am glad to hear that the kids are doing well. I love hearing their crazy stories and the funny things that they do. I am sorry to hear that Zack is not doing well. I feel bad for the kid. He has such potential too. I am actually trying to get a package together to send home and in it I will be sending something that I would appreciate it if it were taken/delivered to him. I am glad that things went well for the wedding cake. I know it was stressing you out a bit Shan, but I had confidence that it would all be good. Than again I just know that my family is just simply the BESTEST in the world so....:-) This week is going to be an interesting one. It is spring break for Chico State so there are a lot of investigators in the YSA ward that are leaving so that is no good, but we have a lot of other things that we can get going. We are going around to every less-active and asking them if they can help us with teaching 20 lessons a week. So far it has been pretty successful. Well I love you and hope you are doing well. Take care and I will talk to you later.Love,Elder Brickey

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