Monday, January 5, 2009

emails for 1/5/2008

Mommy-Happy New Year to you! We goofed off all day so that was fun. We went and played and did stuff with members all day. It was an all day Pday so no missionary work, or formal work anyway. Well it sounds like things were a little different this year for New Years. I hope that you still had some fun. Yes it is time for transfers, and YES I am getting transferred. I am sad to leave Oroville and the people here. I feel like there is things that I can do here, but President is inspired so I am going to be going to Chico. Oh yeah I am also going to be a Zone Leader! (that was suppose to be sarcastic) Everyone else in the apartment is staying, so I am the only change in our apartment. Though the rest of the Zone is changing a lot. We are getting like four different missionaries and two of them will be greenies. We are getting rain here. Though we are not really getting pounded in my mind, though that could change so I guess it is good that I am going to be in a car now! It sounds like it is a bit cold there. I am probably going to be a wimp when I get home, I have kind of acclimated to the California weather. There is definitely a lot of things going on this year. I cannot believe that Ty, DJ, Nicole and Taylor (is she still going to) are getting married. It is sad that I will have missed both Dad and Your's 5-0. It is ok though I will survive and I am doing awesome things so it is good. I just wish sometimes that I could be there for those things. Anyway. I forgot that Grammy and Grandpa were at their 55th wedding anniversary. Wow! Well it will be a good year it sounds like. Well not much is happening here in Cali right now. We are getting rain though I wish it was snow. We have not really heard much about the Prop 8 stuff anymore. We hear more about how President Obama is not supposedly a legal citizen and that people are worried what he will do. Though I did hear that Bush gave the car companies enough of a bail out to last until Obama becomes President, so that was kind of funny. I am doing well. Still a little frazzled at the fact that I am leaving, but it will pass. I just grow to love the people that I am serving and I want to stick around and see what happens. Well I love you mom and hope things are going well for you. Talk to you later.Your son,Elder Brickey
P.S.I do not know if I answered your question about being able to go to the sealing of Jim and Wanda Linsley. I found out that it is a negative. I will just have to wait and go with them another time either later on in the mission or after. I will however be invited to the Temple in March when the Newton family here in Oroville get to go through so that is exciting. Well I love you mom. Talk to you later!-Elder Brickey

HI!I do agree with the blog. I can understand if the person wants to know some about the area, or knows me and wants to see what I am up too. I just get a little nervous when it is people that I do not know and they are getting on and reading EVERYTHING that I say kinda makes me nervous that I will have said something that will offend someone. Oh well I guess they will get over it if I did, hopefully. Well transfers are today, well tomorrow really. I got a call last night and I am going to be going to Chico and I am going to be a Zone Leader, so more responsibilities yippee! I also get to cover the single adult ward, wow I am going to need your prayers to keep me strengthened! Well I am glad to hear that your kids are doing well. It sounds like Saedy is a lot like her Uncle Kade after all! I will take the blame. I still remember coming home from work and she would not care that I was dirty she just liked her uncle Kade. I hope that your kids stay well and do well. I am sorry about your computer Shan. I have heard though that HP's have had problems with their input port for the power cable though. That is funny that Aleana already knows that food means comfort. She is so totally a Brickey. That is funny that you and Mom both teach CTR 7 classes. It seems like they think that our family will be a good influence on the kids getting ready to be baptized! Well thank you for the Happy Birthday. There are some members that are going to be a little mad because they had Birthday plans for me. Well things are going well here. I am really nervous about going to be a Zone Leader and leaving the people here because of course I have fallen in love with them. I know though that there is a reason that I have to go to Chico so it will be good. I found out that I will not be able to go to the sealing of Jim and Wanda Linsley up in Medford. So that means I will just have to come back and visit or when they come to Utah we will just have to go to the Temple then. Well I love you and hope all is well and goes well for you. Take care.-Elder Brickey

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