Monday, January 26, 2009

Emails 1/26/2009

Mommy-The baptism was for CJ Forristel. He is 20 and lives with a member in the 2nd Ward. He is in the 6th Ward because he is a YSA. One of the other members of the 6th Ward, Ian Coltrin from Oroville actually, did the baptism and confirmation. It seems better to have a member in the Ward do both that way the new convert has ties to them and to the Ward more it seems. I am a Jr. Comp Zone Leader just because I do not know the ropes kind of thing. Though Jr and Sr mean absolutely nothing really, other than the one companion has more experience or is more responsible. I did get my bday cake made, I baked it. Though when I was about to put it in the oven Elder Rogers told me that he was suppose to do it, I told him that it was my cake so I was going to make it. Plus that way it is how I want it to be. For the suit I got an entire new suit from JCPenny's. It was on sale and it is really nice, well I think so. I will try to get a picture to send to you of it. For the most part everything else is holding up pretty well. My shoes from MissionaryMall have a hole in the sole so with the rain that we are getting I am not able to wear them unless I want wet feet. Other than that though things are holding up really well. I think anyway. I go the suits at Mr Mac's and I do not think that they had a guarantee on them. It is okay though becuse the new suit will still be in really good condition when I get home. We have been getting a lot of rain the last few days. It is nice that I got into a car area and then it starts raining. I am pretty thankful for that. I do get to meet with the Mission President more now. I also get to meet with the Stake President and leaders more often too. I am not sure if I am excited about that but hey I will survive I guess. Elder Nash goes home on the 17 of February. So in a couple of weeks! It was weird to hear his departing testimony this last Zone Conference. I cannot believe that more than half of my companions will be home by the end of this transfer! I did get to say bye to him because he is an Assistant to the President so he is at all the meetings usually that President is at. I do not think I will see him again though on the mission. I get a letter every now and then from Mickell. It is good to hear from him and see how he is doing. Well things are going well here. We actually have another baptism this Saturday. It is an older gentleman named Bill Falk. He is awesome and because of his example his granddaughter that lives with him is looking into the church now too. Other than that things have been a little crazy but good. We are working really hard and continue to do our best. I am sending a box home so it should get there this week sometime, hopefully. I love you mom. Take care and I will talk to you later.Love your son,Elder Brickey

Curley Family-Well it sounds like there has been a lot going on in your lives. I think that your hair does look good Shan and if it is what you want good for you. Though I do agree with dad about liking longer hair more. But hey as long as you are happy I am happy! That is funny that Saedy bites Dallin a little an the Donner or Hannibal side but funny! I love my neices and nephews, they are all such cute kids. I have the pictures of you and your kids and Cassie and her family on the back of my planner so it is nice to see you all everyday no matter where I am. Well I do not think that my suits had any kind of gaurantee on them but I guess you could check. I think that we would have had a gaurantee if we went through Missionary Mall but we went through Mr Mac instead. That is going to be interesting, Shan packing! I think that people should be scared of you anyway, I mean you are a Brickey and that is pretty scary! Just playing though I was told the other day that I have a very nice and pleasant face. I am not sure what that means but hey it sounded good. Well things are going awesome here. The Lord is blessing us SO much it is nuts. He is giving us veins of gold it seems like. We had the baptism of CJ Forristel this last Saturday and now his GF wants to learn what it is that he is into, so she has been to church the last two Sundays. We also have the baptism of Bill Falk this Saturday and his Granddaughter came to church this last Sunday and is maybe interested in taking the lessons. It is awesome to see the Lord's hand in the work and to be lucky or blessed enough to be a part of it. Well I love you all and hope you are well. I will talk at you later.Love you,Elder Brickey

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