Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Two Letters-From 2-25-08 & 3-14-2008

Feb 25, 2008
thank you for sending me back my whites. I feel kinda like an idiot for doing that. Oh well I guess it happens. Thank you also for the goodies, those are always good to get. I did not really need the socks or shirt, but they are good to have, thanks.
The tetracycline I could use. I am not sure if they are helping but I could use them. I am not so sure how I feel about paying $80 for 90 little pills. I have stopped using the cream, it was like $200 & I don't really wanna pay that at all. Well there is my little spill on pills.
Things here are going well. We are trying to get a couple people a baptismal date. they are ready, but who knows how they feel. I feel blessed for the opportunity the Lord has given me to serve him as a missionary. There are quite a few times that I have felt inadequate, but the Lord has been ale to shape & use me in those times . I know that this is the true church & that Christ is our Savior & redemer. I hope that you are all doing well. I know that the Lord is helping me by taking care of all of you. Take care of yourselves. Love you all.
-Elder Brickey

March 14, 2008
The Mommy-
I noticed that it was close to your Birthday, so I thought you could use a card & letter from your child who is the furthest away from you. Well how are things going there in the big UC? Things are going well here. I am almost done with my 3rd transfer, can you believe it almost 5 months. This past Wednesday I was able to attend the Temple too. I was able to go to the Medford Oregon Temple. It was amazing. The temple was SO small, it was crazy. Moroni was close to the ground & you could almost see every detail on him. I am probably exagerating a bit, but that is how it seemed.
Also I talked to a lady that moved into the ward last August or so that has been in active, she also has colon cancer. Anyways, she is from Jackson, MS & she was baptized 40 years ago by Elder Wayne Brickey, talk about ironic. She was very excited to talk to me. I told her that we were like 4th cousins or something like that. Now I have another reason to know why I was sent here. It is so awesome to see the Lord at work through us missionaries.
Well since you were not probably expecting this......Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Mommy. Happy Birthday to you! Well let me know how things are going. Love you tons. Love Elder Brickey

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