Monday, March 24, 2008

Emails 3-24-2008

The Mommy-
Things went pretty well with the transfer other than we got lost on our way down. The roads here are very very confusing. I swear it has so many weird transitions and such that I am suprised anyone can get around here. Other than that things went well. I packed Monday morning, and was pretty well done by 10:30 am, than we went around and said goodbye to our investigators and a few ward members. It was way hard to say goodbye to a lot of people they are awesome. Then we got up Tuesday morning and headed down to Redding. At 10 am we went and met my ride at the Stake Center there in Redding then off I went to Lincoln. We stopped for Lunch since we drove for 3-4 hours. We finally got to my new casa which is another apartment. My companions name is Elder Remington, he is from Lake Oswego, Oregon. He is also going home in just under three months. Yeah I now walk or ride my bike everywhere. The ward here is really layed out goofy. It is shaped like a U kinda. I have not recieved anything, but the Zone Leaders called last night and talked to Elder Remington and told him that they had the packages for me. I will probably get them today. Oh wait I did get a package with a CD and a letter, I forgot about that. Of course my mind has been going a million miles an hour lately. Yeah I know they put me in the coldest place until the weather gets nice than ship me out to HOT weather, but this is not the hottest place in the mission so that is good. Your welcome for the card, I thought it was funny and that you would like it. I went to the temple with Brother Lewis, Sister Ahlstrom and Elder Gardner. I think that the Medford Temple was about an hour and a half away from Mount Shasta. It was an awesome experiance to have. The lady I just talked to on the phone, I never got to meet her in person. I am not sure how bad the cancer is, I just knew that she was going in for some pretty serious treatments here really soon. Oh wow that is to bad about Connie and Mike losing their son. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MOMMY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!It sounds like tou got quite the haul of presents. I am Legend looks like such a good movie. Well that is awesome that Baby Harper might be able to come home this week. Well things are going well here and I hope that things keep going well for you back at home. Take care and I love you tons.
Elder Brickey

Curley Family-
Okay so I know the name of the dog, now I just need the breed and a picture. Oreo.....Hmmm okay that works I guess. So it is a girl? That is funny though that the dog threw up on dad, sad and gross but funny. I miss the weenie roast I love going to Grandma and Grandpa Walker's house and doing the party stuff. That is awesome going over there. Wow Zack is losing his license, what an idiot. I cannot believe that he has done that stuff, such stupidity. I am always happy to hear that Grandpa Brickey is doing well. He really had me scared for quite awhile. That is
good that he is not having that nasty cough anymore, that was really a horrible cough. Wow from a wheelchair to walker and now just on his own that is awesome. Wow dad is drooling over a car, that is weird cause dad likes trucks. Anyways. I do like my new area so far, it is different, but good. So far it has been a lot hotter than up in Mount Shasta which is no fun. The people here are really nice and so far things have been going well. My comp is cool, a little trunky though cause he goes home in 3 months. Wow Jason is getting married that is good for him, soon but
good. It sounds like you got mom some pretty sweet stuff for her bday. I am
jealous though I want to watch I am Legend. Well things are going well here and I hope things keep going well for you both. Take care of yourselves. Love you.
Elder Brickey

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