Monday, March 31, 2008

Emails 3/31/2008

Familia Curley-
Oh goodness my new address to my apt. is 174 South O (as in octopus)Street #36 Lincoln, CA 95648. Who is asking for it? You could have given them the 8331 Sierra College Blvd one if you wanted too. I just cover one ward in this area, it is a very new ward too. There was only one ward in Mount Shasta too, a lot bigger area but one ward. Yeah Dad did tell me that they were having a bit of trouble with the Fugles at work,not to much info just that Bruce burnt Kole with some stuff and than they were being very immature. Yeah mom and dad talked to me about Oreo running off, dad wants to get a tag for her so that if she does go there will be a phone number around her neck to call. I cannot belive it Saedy is already off and running, wow that is crazy I remember when Dallin would just scoot around cause he could not crawl. I can believe it that they want to be outside, I would rather be outside too. I have heard that you have been getting quite the strange storm fronts coming in through there. That is nice that the ginger pills have been helping out. I can imagine that the perscription would mess you up, I have never done good with them. I am in the process of writing a letter with more info about the area. The new area is good, flat but good. The ward is young and there is a lot of work to be done so that is a good thing. It is deffiniatly different from Mount Shasta, loads different but that is a good thing at the same time. It is nice to meet new people and to broaden yourself. For the most part we actually just walk around, we do jump on the bikes to get around. We do a ton of physical activity on Pday and play with all the other Elders usually. Hey when I was little I use to take off to, I just think that it is because she is curious and needs to be watched cause she is so little. Brie and I write each other about once a week. I don't care in telling I am proud to say that I have a girl that is willing to write such a nerd as me, I sometimes wonder why she does. I do have some ideas for April Fools, but I don't know if I want to or not, so we will just have to see. Well that is all I have time for. Love you all take care.
-Elder Brickey

The Mommy-
I got a ride from the ward mission leader from Mount Shasta. I think that it was both driver and navigator error. I was navigator, but I was so lost the entire drive. There is like nothing to get your bearings off here. Than again the ward mission leader has not been to Lincoln for a long time. He just dropped me off, my replacement got a ride from someone else. I was the ONLY ONE in my ENTIRE zone to get transfered, so I was by myself with my ride.
Wow my taxes are back that is cool. Uh sure pay tithing on it. I guess just put like 250 in my checking and the rest can go into the CD, that will work.
For Zone Conferences I go to either Rocklin, Roseville, Citrus Heights, and Antelope. I am in the Rocklin Zone, so for zone meetings we go into Rocklin. We are really close to Roseville not exactly sure how close, but pretty close if I remember. Lincoln is pretty cool, really flat though. The ward here is only like 8 weeks old so there is a TON of work to be done here, so that is always fun. Both your package and Grandma's were really good thank you. I did not get to eat very much of it, but I did get some.
I have adjusted pretty well, to both the comp and the area. I am far enough South now that I will probably never get snow here, just rain. The new area is not huge, but it is a weird layout. We cover just one ward, Lincoln 1st. The ward is really different. It is good sized, but small. There is only two young women in this ward, and not that many young men.
That is no good that Oreo took off, but good that you found her. I still cannot believe that we have another dog and Shadow is gone. It feels so weird.
Oh yeah I kinda forgot to tell you about the package. It was the Stokes from the Mount Shasta ward. Their sons all go to BYU and they offered to take a package home for me, little did I know how much I needed it since I got transfered. They are such an awesome family. I totally forgot they were doing that, that is not a good sign. Yeah everything in there I do not need, so I sent them to you all. I don't even remember what all was in it.
Grandma and Grandpa's new arrival???? No clue and have not heard. Well how are things going for you? How is Utah and the chillins? Well thats all I can think of, so take care. Love you.
-Elder Brickey

Monday, March 24, 2008

Emails 3-24-2008

The Mommy-
Things went pretty well with the transfer other than we got lost on our way down. The roads here are very very confusing. I swear it has so many weird transitions and such that I am suprised anyone can get around here. Other than that things went well. I packed Monday morning, and was pretty well done by 10:30 am, than we went around and said goodbye to our investigators and a few ward members. It was way hard to say goodbye to a lot of people they are awesome. Then we got up Tuesday morning and headed down to Redding. At 10 am we went and met my ride at the Stake Center there in Redding then off I went to Lincoln. We stopped for Lunch since we drove for 3-4 hours. We finally got to my new casa which is another apartment. My companions name is Elder Remington, he is from Lake Oswego, Oregon. He is also going home in just under three months. Yeah I now walk or ride my bike everywhere. The ward here is really layed out goofy. It is shaped like a U kinda. I have not recieved anything, but the Zone Leaders called last night and talked to Elder Remington and told him that they had the packages for me. I will probably get them today. Oh wait I did get a package with a CD and a letter, I forgot about that. Of course my mind has been going a million miles an hour lately. Yeah I know they put me in the coldest place until the weather gets nice than ship me out to HOT weather, but this is not the hottest place in the mission so that is good. Your welcome for the card, I thought it was funny and that you would like it. I went to the temple with Brother Lewis, Sister Ahlstrom and Elder Gardner. I think that the Medford Temple was about an hour and a half away from Mount Shasta. It was an awesome experiance to have. The lady I just talked to on the phone, I never got to meet her in person. I am not sure how bad the cancer is, I just knew that she was going in for some pretty serious treatments here really soon. Oh wow that is to bad about Connie and Mike losing their son. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MOMMY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!It sounds like tou got quite the haul of presents. I am Legend looks like such a good movie. Well that is awesome that Baby Harper might be able to come home this week. Well things are going well here and I hope that things keep going well for you back at home. Take care and I love you tons.
Elder Brickey

Curley Family-
Okay so I know the name of the dog, now I just need the breed and a picture. Oreo.....Hmmm okay that works I guess. So it is a girl? That is funny though that the dog threw up on dad, sad and gross but funny. I miss the weenie roast I love going to Grandma and Grandpa Walker's house and doing the party stuff. That is awesome going over there. Wow Zack is losing his license, what an idiot. I cannot believe that he has done that stuff, such stupidity. I am always happy to hear that Grandpa Brickey is doing well. He really had me scared for quite awhile. That is
good that he is not having that nasty cough anymore, that was really a horrible cough. Wow from a wheelchair to walker and now just on his own that is awesome. Wow dad is drooling over a car, that is weird cause dad likes trucks. Anyways. I do like my new area so far, it is different, but good. So far it has been a lot hotter than up in Mount Shasta which is no fun. The people here are really nice and so far things have been going well. My comp is cool, a little trunky though cause he goes home in 3 months. Wow Jason is getting married that is good for him, soon but
good. It sounds like you got mom some pretty sweet stuff for her bday. I am
jealous though I want to watch I am Legend. Well things are going well here and I hope things keep going well for you both. Take care of yourselves. Love you.
Elder Brickey

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Two Letters-From 2-25-08 & 3-14-2008

Feb 25, 2008
thank you for sending me back my whites. I feel kinda like an idiot for doing that. Oh well I guess it happens. Thank you also for the goodies, those are always good to get. I did not really need the socks or shirt, but they are good to have, thanks.
The tetracycline I could use. I am not sure if they are helping but I could use them. I am not so sure how I feel about paying $80 for 90 little pills. I have stopped using the cream, it was like $200 & I don't really wanna pay that at all. Well there is my little spill on pills.
Things here are going well. We are trying to get a couple people a baptismal date. they are ready, but who knows how they feel. I feel blessed for the opportunity the Lord has given me to serve him as a missionary. There are quite a few times that I have felt inadequate, but the Lord has been ale to shape & use me in those times . I know that this is the true church & that Christ is our Savior & redemer. I hope that you are all doing well. I know that the Lord is helping me by taking care of all of you. Take care of yourselves. Love you all.
-Elder Brickey

March 14, 2008
The Mommy-
I noticed that it was close to your Birthday, so I thought you could use a card & letter from your child who is the furthest away from you. Well how are things going there in the big UC? Things are going well here. I am almost done with my 3rd transfer, can you believe it almost 5 months. This past Wednesday I was able to attend the Temple too. I was able to go to the Medford Oregon Temple. It was amazing. The temple was SO small, it was crazy. Moroni was close to the ground & you could almost see every detail on him. I am probably exagerating a bit, but that is how it seemed.
Also I talked to a lady that moved into the ward last August or so that has been in active, she also has colon cancer. Anyways, she is from Jackson, MS & she was baptized 40 years ago by Elder Wayne Brickey, talk about ironic. She was very excited to talk to me. I told her that we were like 4th cousins or something like that. Now I have another reason to know why I was sent here. It is so awesome to see the Lord at work through us missionaries.
Well since you were not probably expecting this......Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Mommy. Happy Birthday to you! Well let me know how things are going. Love you tons. Love Elder Brickey

Monday, March 17, 2008

Emails 3-17-08

The Mommy-Wow that is to bad about Shadow. How is Grizz doing now without her? It seems like just yesterday that we got them, and now one of them is gone that is crazy. Things are going pretty well here. I did however get transfered, I am going to Lincoln. It is in the Southern part of the mission by Rocklin and Roseville. Uh you could do whatever with the money I don't really care. I cannot really think of anything that I need, Scott is going to send my Ipod out to me but other than that, maybe some quick food stuff like mac and cheese or pop tarts, whatever or nothing. About those missionaries, I did not hear anything except what you told me. All that I know is that sometimes they close areas when they do something stupid like that. Well I am glad that Craig and Melissa's baby seems to be doing well, I hope it all does go well for them. So about Taylor, is she going to be keeping the baby? How far along is she? Wow that is a SCARY thought. Well that is about all that is going on here. Well talk to you later. Love you.-Elder Brickey

Curley Family-Wow it sounds like you have had a busier week than I have. I actually found out that I am getting transfered. I am going to Lincoln, it is in the South of the mission by Rocklin and Roseville. It was kinda a suprise but hey I will go and do what the Lord as the Lord hath commanded. I can imagine the Ritchie's are a handfull, but to me they are fun. Of course so are your kids. Mug shots of Scott and Craig, that could be fun and incriminating if you wanted. I would love to get my C&C when I get home, but I think I will not wish away this mission, it is already going so fast. Yeah mom has always been hard to buy presents for, she never gives good ideas. But I am willing to go 20 or whatever that is fine. Oh I like the wording you used on saying that you will "take her out this week" I hope you meant on a date and not kill take out. Just playing. Wow Dallin is now stabbing people, that is exciting. Saedy I cannot believe it she is pretty well walking and now eating all kinds of things. Another dog, man that is weird to think about. I told dad that my vote was a BOXER but than again that does not matter cause I am 1300 miles away, but shepherds and collies are cool too. I know mom is going to be the big 4-9 almost the big 5-0 like dad will be turning in August. I am going to miss both mom and dad's 50th birthdays, oh well what else would I miss out on if I did not come out or delayed? This past week has been normal, except saturday. We had dinner at an Investigators house, he made us T-Bones and just some amazing food. And than on Sunday the last song in Sacrament was "God Be With You Till We Meet Again" and it is kinda ironic now cause I am outta here. Sadness....Anywho I did get the pics of Shadow, I cannot believe that I did not get to say goodbye I miss them both SOO much. Grizz gets along with everything, for the most part, so a new puppy should be okay. Well I hope that you get over this morning sickness and sickness in general, whatever. I love you both very much and appreciate all that you do for me. Love you both tons.-Elder Brickey

Monday, March 10, 2008

Emails 3-10-08

The Mommy-Well details in driving. Well he sometimes misses things, but people do, and he has horrible night vision. We usually are really safe though and have no problems, so no worries. Well I am sorry to hear about Ray and Heather's dad, that is a tough ordeal to go through. Dad told me a little about it and how Scott has stepped up and helped out. I am sorry also to hear about Shadow, that poor dog. We had an investigtor's dog die and that was rough. I now think about it and I will miss her, even though she was a pain in the butt a lot. That's right Ritchie's anniversary and Steve and Lynell's bdays. Goodness there is a lot that I have missed, it's okay though cause these experiances are priceless. I might need a calender with everyones bdays and maybe anniversaries, that would be nice. As for anything else that I need.....PEEPS??? Just kidding I always like kara chocolates and those Utah Truffles are good. Transfers are March 18th, so a little bit of time still. Elder Gardner says that he will not let me leave. I have not heard much about my new mission president, and I do not know when he will come in. When I was sick I only took one day off, could not bring myself to do it more than once I feel completely wothless when I did. Thank you for sending the invitation I guess Ryan and Jess forgot about me, but that is okay. Wow I cannot believe that Missionaries actually did that. They could actually close down the area because of what they did. Man that was sheer stupidity. I did remember the time change, some of the members did not which made it funny. We have not been able to reschedule the baptism yet, Alison the one has gotten sick again so that had stopped progression. Well thank you and I hope all is going well for you. Take care and I Love you so much and miss you tons. Well I will talk to you later. Love you.loveElder Brickey

Curley's-Yeah Jarrett does not have an off switch just a blah blah blah blah blah switch. Yeah Sister Jones is a little crazy at times, just kidding she is such a funny lady. They would always stop me and talk to me when I dropped Ryan off after work. They are an awsome family. What can I say the older Ladies just reconize how AMAZING I am.......HAHAHAHA or something like that. Thank you so much for doing that scrapbook. You are awesome and amazing. I am making a list of all the pictures who is in them and such so that I can send them to you. You can try to and I can always fill in the blanks or add here and there. Wow 150 for only $15 that is not bad at all. Thats right 9 years wow and Des is turning 8, man time flies by when you are having fun. Wow already walking what a trooper. I miss your kids, and the Ritchies of course. They were always SO much fun to play with. I have SOOOOO much respect for women. I could not handle the morning sickness and that other stuff, than again I am a wimp. Man Dad is being kept really busy at work, I also hear though that he finds time to go and play with Scott and such so that is good. I am feeling a ton better now, I am still a little under but doing well over all. I am proud that you are getting use to changing the oil that is always good to know how to do. It sounds like you have a PYRO on your hands, and I plead the 5th. He gets it from the Brickey's for sure ask dad about Scott's fire and my oil and gas in a gatorade bottle. Anyways....Sweet I like the Saedy Monster I think it is cute and halarious. Well thank you for the email. Things are going well here. We are working as much as we can and hopefully will get some dates set here soon. Well I hope all continues going well for you take care and remember that I love you all so very very much.LoveElder Brickey

Monday, March 3, 2008

Emails 3-4-08

The Mommy-Well I am glad that it was not a problem sending that stuff to me. As for the killing me thing, yes with his driving. I tend to pick everyones driving style apart, don't seem to trust others driving techniques I guess. Well I guess that they just want us to have a heads up on our Mission President, his name is Mark J. Pendleton he is from Draper, Utah. We have not been able to reschedule the baptisms yet. The one lady is waiting until she gets some test results back from her doctor before anything is decided. For the phone book, his relatives are in Salt Lake and in Orem area. We actually did work for one of his relatives, through Nielsen Heating and Cooling. He does not have internet is the thing, and he does not like computers very much. The weather here has been good, we had a storm two Sundays ago though. I am doing well, I was actually sick the other day and I still am recouperating. I am not sure what it was but it snuck up and kicked my butt. We still do have the hammock it is for the apartment from a previous Elder. I had no idea about day light savings, totally forgot about it. Wow a little bunny, that is cool. Maybe the Starker's have gotten rabbits again, who knows. The two people we are mainly working with to get baptized right now are Meg and Alison. They are both in their 50s and are both progressing well in the gospel. They have been being taught since right before I got here. Elder Nash and Elder Jensen, the Elder before me, started teaching them. There is another that we are working with, he is 8. He is a foster kid of some members. He is interested and loves all the pictures of Christ and the Book of Mormon he says is cool. He could just be baptized, but his foster parents want him to understand what he is getting into a little more. Thank you for all you Love and support. It helps me more than you know. There are a lot of times that I feel totally inadequate and that I cannot do this, but in those times I just rely on the Lord even more and things work out for me. Thank you again for all you do and all your love and support. I love you tons and miss you.Love, Elder Brickey

Curley Family-
Well it sounds like you all have been keeping busy. I cannot believe
that Saedy is already one, that is so weird. Than again Des will be 8 in
April. Wow time flies when you are having fun. It sounds like Dallin is
becoming quite the handful and has his own personality. It sounds like
between Saedy wanting to run around and Dallin wanting to 'Cook" all
the time, you have a busy schedule. Well I do not envy the homework
stuff, that is for sure. I am not that excited to start that up again. I
guess it is a good thing though. The Bears, that is exciting. I still
remember when I was a Bear. Wow that feels like it has been forever ago.
It sounds like you have a decent group of boys, probably crazy but
good. Anyways.....Wow Grandpa got a new car, that is cool probably a
Buick. He needs to learn how to say NO to Zack. He would not let any of the
other Grandkids get away with what Zack has, oh well not my problem I
guess. I am happy about the area I am in, but if I do get transfered it
is for a reason and God is sending me there for something. No matter
how I feel about leaving, I will go to wherever excited and hopefully
keep up a good attitude for that area. I do not mind the fact that Saedy
is not growing in some aspects. I want to see her so bad sometimes. She
just did not care what I did, from holding her upside down to tosing
her across the kitchen. She is a funny kid. Dallin Dallin Dallin, that
little toad. I am happy that he is quite the little "helper". It sounds
like he is getting into more and more trouble each day, how exciting for
you both ;-). Things here have been good. I was sick the other day,
but am pulling through now. The ward here became just like 100 mothers to
me. I got enough drugs to kill an elephant and I REALLY enjoyed that
part. We still have a bit of snow. Around some parts still 3 feet. The
weather has been nice though. I feel like Saedy in a lot of aspects.
There are days that I just want to go out and play, but feel stuck in
doing the work. I know that it is just the advisary trying to keep me from
doing the work, so I just do it and keep a good attitude about it.
Things are going well and I thank you for the support and love that you
both give me. Thank you for the emails and all you do. Love you all tons.
Take care of yourselves.
-Elder Brickey