Sunday, December 23, 2007


Family & Friends
I thought that I would just write a little Christmas letter to all of you out there in the "real world". Things are going great out here in California. I am in a town called Mount Shasta; it is the Northern most part of the mission, and the only part of the mission that gets snow! It feels a lot like home because the elevation here is about 3600 feet, so pretty close to the 4500 of home. I am also at the base of a beautiful mountain! It is great being here in the service of our Father in Heaven and it is great to see the many wonderful things that he blesses all us Missionaries with, and the blessings that he gives to everyone of his children. It has been fun knocking on all sorts of doors and listening to all the wonderful things that people say when they answer the door. I cannot believe that I have only been gone for about 2 months, it feels like I have been gone for a while, but at the same time it seems like just yesterday that I was home, it is very weird. Anyway... I hope that things are going well for you all, and I know that if you do the things that the Lord asks of you that you will be blessed so very much. Also with it being Christmas time remember the true meaning behind Christmas. It is the day that out (our) Savior Jesus Christ came into the world to live and to die for us all, what a great and amazing thing. Well that is about it for me. Take care of yourselves and have a very
-Elder Brickey

-15 days till Christmas & you will be able to hear my annoying voice again. Just kidding. Anyway on Christmas day you can call at like noon, or just before 4pm. We have a dinner with a family at around 5. I was thinking that you could just call at noon, that would work out. I am sorry it has taken forever to get this written, today is the 14th & I am down in Anderson, it is about 80 miles from Mount Shasta. We left Mount Shasta at 8am to get down here on time, we also had to pick up two other Elders. It was nice to get a package from you & Grandma & Grandpa, it was awesome. We got to hang out for a while with the other missionaries from our Zone & the Anderson Zone. We played games, watched a movie & ate some pizza. It was nice to have that time. Anyway...things have been going well out here Elder Nash & I have had a lot of luck in finding new investigators, & helping the investigators that we do have. It is just awesome to see the Lord work through us in ways that are hard to explain. I do know that we are doing that which the Lord desires of us. I hope that things are going well for all of you. Things have been great out here other than I had to refill my pill perscription, which was lets say fun. The only store here is Rite Aid & they took a while & I have the recipt enclosed for you. Well that is about it for this letter. I will write again soon.
-Elder Brickey

He also sent over 300 pictures. To the right is a slideshow of the pictures. You can click on the picture and it will send you to another spot too see them bigger. You just have to click on the play button once you get there. Any questions let us know!

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