Monday, December 10, 2007


Hello Curley's-Things are going great here we have three investigators praying for a baptismal date! Yes I can mountain bike here, if my companion had his bike up here. Another Elder down in Redding needed it for a while now we just have to bring it back up here to do some riding. Well Happy Birthday Ryan, sorry you have an exam, but a gun is always good. The kids sound like they are growing up way to fast, but that is good I guess. It sounds like you are going to have your hands full between the two. I feel pretty bad for Dad, and Ryan McGraw. The Fugals are hard to get along with, and I heard some interesting stories about them in Colorado. If I get a Fugal companion I will have to work through it, God gave him to me for a reason, I might not be happy but I will deal with it. I am sending a package home with some stuff and in it will be a CD with some pictures on it. I want a nativity now! No just kidding it would just be one more thing to have to pack around with me. It sounds like you are keeping yourselves busy between kids, school, work, and whatever else you do. Thank you for including me in the presents I really appreciate that. The Ritchie kids, that sounded like a lot of fun. I do wish sometimes that I could be home for Christmas, but I will do a lot more good where I am at so I will stay. We drive 120 miles round trip, lots of fun. We also have a few meetings this month, we put on like 300 miles a day about for them. I love my area, it is gorgeous and the people here are amazing. On pday I write, do laundry, sleep, go site seeing. It is amazing. Well I am glad to hear that all is well. Take care. Love you all.-Elder Brickey

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