Monday, October 26, 2009

Emails 10-26-09-LAST EMAIL

The Mommy-
Yep this is it, the LAST email you recieve from Elder Brickey. That is so crazy. This last week has been nuts to be perfectly honest. It is so weird to know that I am coming home and to have SO many people saying goodbye because they KNOW that I am leaving. In sacrament meeting my companion and I said the prayers. I thought because the guy who got our names wrote mine down first that I would say the opening prayer. Nope Elder Weight did, so I sat there kinda nervous for the rest of the meeting. Then they get up and announced the closing hymn and prayer. It was the first councelor in the Bishopric and I noticed that the bishop whispered something to him. He got up and announced the hymn and then said "Then we will have the closing prayer by Elder Brickey one of our fulltime missionaries that is going home this week." The ENTIRE ward turned and looked at me, it was so WONDERFULLY awkward. I got my bike and box of stuff in the mission office, they will get it sent out so I am not sure yet how that is going to pan out. I did get the package from you which took me by surprise. It was cool though because everyone really enjoyed the treats. I am up for whatever when I get home. Go to the Temple on Wed, sure. I was actually thinking about trying to find a day of the month that all of us from you and dad down could go and do a session. We will have to talk about it and see if we can work something out. Anyway. I am all packed up and only have a suit for clothing so that is a little weird and scary. But I think that I am ready, so I guess the thing to say is SEE YOU TOMORROW!
Elder Brickey

Hello-Well the time has come for the end of Elder Brickey. It is a weird feeling though at the same time exciting. It is weird to think that I will be home in under 24 hours. I do look forward to seeing you all again. I do not know though about the whole seeing a lot of people thing. The people that I want to see are going to be at the house or come to me so that is nice. I do agree that it will be nice to not have a shadow 24/7. That is the one thing that I am really excited about. I still LOVE to have alone time and it is hard to get on a mission. I have taken some LONG showers a few times. Well yeah this last week went well and things are going well. I am all packed up and ready to go. Ready or not here I come! Love ya and see you tomorrow!Love,Elder Brickey

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