He got home on Tuesday, October 27 around 8:40am. Here are the pictures I have.....
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Emails 10-26-09-LAST EMAIL
The Mommy-
Yep this is it, the LAST email you recieve from Elder Brickey. That is so crazy. This last week has been nuts to be perfectly honest. It is so weird to know that I am coming home and to have SO many people saying goodbye because they KNOW that I am leaving. In sacrament meeting my companion and I said the prayers. I thought because the guy who got our names wrote mine down first that I would say the opening prayer. Nope Elder Weight did, so I sat there kinda nervous for the rest of the meeting. Then they get up and announced the closing hymn and prayer. It was the first councelor in the Bishopric and I noticed that the bishop whispered something to him. He got up and announced the hymn and then said "Then we will have the closing prayer by Elder Brickey one of our fulltime missionaries that is going home this week." The ENTIRE ward turned and looked at me, it was so WONDERFULLY awkward. I got my bike and box of stuff in the mission office, they will get it sent out so I am not sure yet how that is going to pan out. I did get the package from you which took me by surprise. It was cool though because everyone really enjoyed the treats. I am up for whatever when I get home. Go to the Temple on Wed, sure. I was actually thinking about trying to find a day of the month that all of us from you and dad down could go and do a session. We will have to talk about it and see if we can work something out. Anyway. I am all packed up and only have a suit for clothing so that is a little weird and scary. But I think that I am ready, so I guess the thing to say is SEE YOU TOMORROW!
Elder Brickey
Hello-Well the time has come for the end of Elder Brickey. It is a weird feeling though at the same time exciting. It is weird to think that I will be home in under 24 hours. I do look forward to seeing you all again. I do not know though about the whole seeing a lot of people thing. The people that I want to see are going to be at the house or come to me so that is nice. I do agree that it will be nice to not have a shadow 24/7. That is the one thing that I am really excited about. I still LOVE to have alone time and it is hard to get on a mission. I have taken some LONG showers a few times. Well yeah this last week went well and things are going well. I am all packed up and ready to go. Ready or not here I come! Love ya and see you tomorrow!Love,Elder Brickey
at 4:18 PM 0 spiritual thoughts
Labels: coming home, mission, transfers
Monday, October 19, 2009
2nd to last email (but could be last) 10-19-09
Mommy-The missionary that invented the game I think is Elder Suzzle so that is why it is called Suzzleball. I am not sure if my companion got sick from me or from this person that we met with. I am hoping more for the later. I do not really remember exactly who I was talking to about killing beef but they were interested until I told them about all the things that Grandpa liked to get me to hold. That grossed them out a bit. We have been getting a lot of rain. It has been really good for here too. Though it made it a nightmare to go out and work. I hate getting soaking wet and trying to get into people houses so that is not fun. I have not heard about the mud slides though I would not doubt it with how much rain we got in under a week. It was crazy! I do not remember a Heather Christensen, or Ms. Christensen so I could not tell you how long she has been there. Then again I did not associate really at all with the band portion of the school. My companion is doing better now though so that is good. Though he is getting trunky with me so that is not good since he will have three transfers left after I leave. It does make it hard to get things done and get out and work when you keep getting sick. I feel like the apartment mom because one of the other missionaries we live with, Elder Monson, got sick and I would hear him tossing and turning so I would get him some meds and he would fall asleep then I would be awake for a while then finally fall asleep after 12 or so. It has been a long couple of weeks that way. I feel like I am taking care of a bunch of sick kids. It is fine though I like being needed and helping so that is cool. I am not sure if I will need money or not for the box. It is kinda large though. I think it is 17x17x12 and is really heavy. The mission office said they could send it home and it would be cheaper, I just do not know how much it will be. I would think that I will have some time to email next week. Than again the Library does not open till 12 and I have no idea when I am suppose to be at the mission office. I will try though. That is funny that Truman thinks his bids are better than yours. Than again there are a lot of funny things about him so. Not to be mean or anything but yeah! Things are going good though. We almost had to move this coming week. We are trying to move in with members to reduce the price of living and a member stepped up and the mission pres wanted us in there before transfers. Though when they went to inspect they found out that their daughter-in-law might me moving in for a while and that is a no no so we are not moving now. Things are good though. It is crazy to think that I come home in 8 days but at the same time I am excited. Well I hope you are well and I really appreciate all that you do for me. I LOVE YOU! Take care and I will talk to you later.Love always your son,Elder Brickey
Curley Family-I think I will try to email next week but will give no promises. I have no idea what is going to happen so I am a little lost and confused for that. Things sound like they are going good though. I find that SO cute that Dallin was praying and gets mom to come and say the prayer. He is a good kid it sounds like you did a good job with him. I cannot promise anything about bringing snow but it would be fun to go trick-or-treating with them. I like getting candy. Though I would feel probably really out of place. Oh wells I do look forward to seeing you all so. Wow Dallin had to get a cavity filled that much of sucked. I do not envy that at all. Then again it seems like my teeth are deteriorating and that sucks because I have been taking really good care of them. I am sorry to hear that the job thing is still causing stress and issues. I still say that I am not excited for that part. I so wish that I could get a job that just has me sit at home and do nothing. Than again doing something in the outdoors would be killer too. Well things are going good here. We are trying our best to stay busy and for me to stay focused. It is kind of hard with everyone reminding me that I am a short timer. Even our Bishop reminds me. He is an awesome man though and like to tease me so that is cool. Well other than that not much has been going on. I actually have been packing up a little here and there since I know that I will be leaving in a week. I have a ginormous box that I am trying to send home but I will probably be home before it will be. Well I hope you are doing well and I am trying my best to stay focused and finsh off with a bang. I LOVE you all and hope things go well for you. Take care and I will talk to you NEXT week!Love,Elder Brickey
Monday, October 12, 2009
Emails 10-12-09
The Mommy-Why Hello! How are you doing? Well to answer your question about how I got hurt. We were playing this missionary made up game called suzleball. It is like ultimate frisbee and soccer combined so it is pretty sweet. We usually have a couple people from the singles ward come in and play but there is mainly missionaries. I am doing better though. My leg is still a little sore but I am healing well. I was nervous about giving my departing testimony for a couple reasons. I still get the gitters in front of people and also it is the last time that I would be in Zone Conference. It is a standing tradition that the missionaries leaving at the end of the transfer give a final testimony in their last zone conference. Oh yeah I remember Cherolyn Jones now. Yeah she LOVED my blue eyes. They were a really cool family. Wow so you had all 7 of your grandkids in the house for the weekend. I bet that was exciting. Than again they are all getting big so hopefully they were able to take care of themselves pretty well. Wow that is sad about the teacher from AF. There seems to be a tramatic thing happen to them almost every couple years. That is really depressing. I will probably be taking my bike to the mission office on the Sunday before I leave and they will ship it. I am still not sure how much though I will give them a call and find out so we have an idea of what is going on. Yeah it is the Chase/WaMu account. I was just talking about Grandpa and how he slaughtered his own beef. A lot of people are surprised and a little shocked sometimes. It is really funny. I LOVE it when Grandpa does his own because you are getting some good meat to eat. Well our week has been really slow. My companion has been sick so we have been taking it slow and letting him get the rest that he needs to heal up and get better. Things are good though, other than things slowed down a bit lately. The weather is cooling down and we are supposedly getting rain today and tomorrow. We will see I do not really trust what a weather man says anymore. Well other than that not much is new. I hope that things are going well for you and that you are well. I LOVE YOU mom and send you my graditude for all you have done. Take care and I will talk to you later.Love always your son,Elder Brickey
Hello There!That is to bad that Dallin is allergic to nuts. That would suck, then again I am not really a nut person but nuts are in everything or at least the oil and that would be hard. Yeah I would not be happy if I had to get 4 shots so I can understand Aleana and not being happy. That is so weird though to hear that she is walking. I still feel like she was just born, than again Saedy and Dallin and Desiree were born yesterday it feels like. The weather here has been nice and cool. It is suppose to rain today and tomorrow but then again when was the last time a weatherman was right? The work has been a little slower lately. Than again my companion was sick this past week so I made sure he got the rest that he needed so he could get better quicker. This past week school was also out for some random reason. California schools are so weird and strange. I am striving my best to continue to do my best. But yes Ryan you are right I am drawing to an end and am fessing up to it. It is weird and I know I cannot deny or lie about it so I am just accepting it now. I bet I do drive my companion and the Elders I live with a little nuts due to the fact that it seems to come up a lot about how soon I do come home. It is so weird how often people talk about it and once they find out when I am going home, they bring it up a lot. I am not sure what I will do for work when I get home. I would love to work at like Whitknuckle Motorsports in Springville/Spanish but than again that would be to help me get into motorcylces again and A LOT of people have been telling me that I should NOT get another one. We will see. Well thanks for all you do and I hope you are well. I love you and wish you well. Until next time.Love,Elder Brickey
Monday, October 5, 2009
Emails 10-5-09
The Mommy-Elder Sanchez does not like chocolate or caramel for that matter, he is a weird kid. Than again he is a good kid so that makes up for it. Yeah I hope that I am able to help my companion out with a couple of things before I leave him. It is really interesting to see just how DIFFERENT all of us are in the mission. I have found one person that is a REALLY close similar but no one can be exactly like me. Than again I do not think that the world could handle two of me. That is good that work is still there and still work. I still worry about that one for when I get home. I really hope the economy picks up. It sounds like you are taking good care of your car. I was actually telling the story the other day of how you got the car and how the Astro died. My companion's family has Astros and Safaris, just a little newer I think than yours was. You have to admit, the car is A LOT nicer than the van even though the van had some height and space, the car is quiet and gets good milage. Anyways. That is cool that Cassie had a party with some people from the 17th ward. Wow Jenn Kummer, isn't that the one that came and lived with us? Anyone else come that I would remember? I will not lie I am not sure if I remember who Cherolyn Jones is....is that bad? Than again I have had to remember over 500 names in the last two years so maybe that gives me some room for forgivness. I watched Saturday at the Stake Center here in Antelope, which made for a long day, 9 am to 7 pm. Then Sunday we went over to our recent convert Richard Garcia's home and had breakfast and watched the sessions there. Talk about a beautiful conference. It was really crazy because in the Priesthood session they talked about RMs and Father's of RMs so it was crazy to think that both dad and I were listening to that and I am coming home soon. It was cool. I am feeling great, back to normalish. I actually injuried myself today playing sports. Yeah I know good job take it easier. I got kneed in the calf by someone and my calf has been locking up ever since, which is no fun at all. My tooth is doing really well actually. Well at least I think that it is, nothing is painful or causing trouble so yeah. Wow there are a lot of people pregnant right now. And a lot of people have gotten married. There is a lot of change going on it seems like in our family. Change is good though so no complaints. I have never seen "The Best Two Years" I have heard a lot about it but never seen it so I will have to see it when I get back. I have heard from a lot of people though that it is their favorite "mormon movie" or church made movie so that is good. I just have seen A LOT of CHEESY ones so not really into them. Well things are going good. We had Zone Conference which was nuts. Friday Zone Conference and then Saturday and Sunday General Conference, so a lot of sitting. It was crazy though because I gave my departing testimony and it was really nerve wracking. I almost seem and feel scared to come home. Then again this is a very easy life very regimented and simple so that is nice. Home is a lot more mysterious and open. It is good though and I know that things will be great so no worries I will be coming home. Well things are going pretty good. We have a lot of things that we are trying to get moving here. I would really love to leave this place with it on its feet so whoever comes in does not have to do a lot of grunt work and has jjust tons of people to work with, but it seems like it is not working. The Lord has his plans so we will see what happens. Well I love you and hope you are well. Take care.Love always,Elder Brickey
Curley Family-That is cool that you had a good bday for Aleana. And now I can pronounce it by just looking at it. I just had three different things come into my head as I looked at it. I have been saying it right though so no worries. It sounds like your kids are a lot like us, wanting EVERYTHING that they see and is "cool". Though be glad that their cool is not my cool because my cool has a couple more zeros on it. I am glad that you liked conference I have really come to LOVE it and I have my favorites, like Bednar, Holland, Scott, Monson, Eyring, Uchtdorf, and others. Then again I simply love them all. Just AMAZING. That is cool that you did a private class for some business president. I am totally down for going through the class too. I have been talking about guns, motorcyles, and outdoors it seems a lot lately. I am doing well though a little sore today after playing sports but good. I do not know if I will be a "collectors item" when I get home though I appreciate the thought. I watched all of Saturday Sessions in the Stake Center but then Sunday we went over to our RCs house, Richard Garcia, and had breakfast and watched the sessions there. We did not get anyone to come and watch. We have been having a hard time finding lately. It has been nice though because it has been cooling down so that is really nice. Other than that things are good. We are staying busy as we can and hopefully the Lord fills in the holes we miss. Well other than that not much else besides trying to not get "trunky" but it is hard with EVERYONE reminding you. The other day at dinner with our bishop he brought it up 5 times, so you can only imagine all the other people in the ward too. Anyways I love you and hope you are well. Take care and I will talk to you later.Love,Elder Brickey