Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Emails Aug. 10, 2009

The Mommy-I did have enough for the dentist. He was really awesome too. He remembered my face from last year when I was in there with Elder Remington. He could not believe that it had been that long and he told me I needed to finish off strong for him. That should not be that hard to do. Well for the apartment remodel it was mainly furniture that got moved around. We also got a new couch because ours was falling apart, we also got a chest of drawers so now we have somewhere to put our clothes which is nice, and I am also getting a new desk which will be really nice since the desk I have is terrible. We are living with two other missionaries. One is Elder Bailey and he is from Monticello and the other is Elder Sanchez and he is from Murray. They are both really young. Elder Bailey is in his fourth transfer and this is Elder Sanchez's first transfer. So YES I am the oldy moldy in the apartment. Than again I am one of the oldy moldies in the mission which is weird to think about. That is weird that it is not recommended by the church to do the co-teach thing but they are doing it anyways. Good luck with that it sounds weird and probably confusing. That is cool that Lindon Days are coming up, and now over(after reading your second email). I miss those they were really fun. I bet that they really appreciate your help then if Bryan is going to be gone and Marcy is still recovering. That is crazy that Rudy is turning twelve and that Chase is a senior. I still remember both of them when they were LITTLE. It will be weird to have Chase be tall. Is he taller than me now? Like it matters I will still man handle the kid and show him who is boss. That is sweet that Mickell was able to go to the Temple with the Mission President. Dang though 6-8 hours to get to the Temple. Which one did they go too? Well things are warm still here in Cali. I would LOVE to be able to have the 70s for sure. Though I will probably complain when I get into the cold when I get home. Than again I do miss the cold and love it so who knows. I did not know that Ray Ormond switched over to Lindon PD. The last thing I heard about him was that they were struggling a bit with church and such. Hopefully they are doing well I love Ray he is one of the reasons that I am comfortable in water. I have a really fun memory with Scott, him, and going to a friends house of theirs out in Saratoga Springs. Well that is cool though that Kirt called. It sounds like he is having a fun time with his job taking him to Europe and the church taking him all over to talk. Sounds like loads of fun to me. That is funny though that Brandon thought it was normal to have a tooth in the roof of his mouth, a little strange but funny. Did they get it removed? That will be a story he can tell for a long time to come. That is really weird that I have been out of school for four years. It feels like yesterday that I was there. Than again it feels like yesterday that I entered the MTC and that is coming up on 2 years. The new area is pretty good. It is really weird to just flop and see everyone in the other ward at church still. We also cover these crazy houses that use to be military housing so they are all the same and a little different. Other than that things are going good. I am having fun and doing the best that I can and it is just great. I would be lying though if I did not say that I am getting a little excited for the prospect of home. I am split still though because I do not want to have to find a job, car, and get schooling going. Well I love you and hope all is going well for you. Take care and I will talk to you later. LOVE YOU!Love always your son,Elder Brickey

Hello There!Well it is good to hear from you. I am sorry though about the schooling and not getting that done. I know how hard it can be when you want something to let it go. Though I know that you will do great at whatever. I have faith in you Ryan plus you are a Brickey and we are just awesome anyways! ;-) Well I am glad to hear that you do not have to get surgery, I am not a fan of that option. Than again it was fun getting my tonsils out because I was awake one minute and asleep the next. The bizarre part was that I did not have any sedative whatsoever, just passed out cold from being so tired and having gotten no sleep for over a week. Mom can tell you about the recovery, I guess I was a little out of it. I am sorry though that you do not qualify for the medicaid. I remember when I got into my accident it helped a lot with those bills. Than again at the time I made no money and had A LOT of debt, well I guess not a lot but I had the motorcycle to pay off. I would not be surprised either if Aleana is running by the time I get home. Hopefully just walking but who knows. It is weird to think that all my neices and nephews are going to be grow up, well compared to the last time I saw them. I find it funny that they are so different and so much like all of us. I can see parts of me in your kids and Cassie's. I can only imagine what Scott's are going to be like. Well things are going good. The remodeling was not that bad, other than we did not have tools so I went and got some. We are getting new things though and that is nice. I cannot believe how well things are going actually. I am hoping that things finish off awesome. Well other than that things are just normal and the missionary stuff. Nothing to terribly exciting other than getting lost a couple of times which stunk. Well I love you all and wish you the best. Take care and I will talk at you later.Love,Elder Brickey

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