The Mommy-Well Hello there my wonderful mommy! How are you doing this week? Hopefully you are doing well. Things here are going good. I am still feeling well so that is nice. I think what stressed me out so much is that I was not sure if I really knew the area or felt comfortable having the "load" dropped onto me. That was the most part, then a few other things that are going on in the Zone that we had to take care of put a little stress on me as well. Things are good though now, not so weighted down by anything. I am actually kind of in need of a couple more g-bottoms. I am not sure what happened I swear that I had a good stash of them, but for some reason I now have 4 tops and no bottoms to go along with them. The size is 32 regular so you know. Other than that though I am doing well. Things are holding up and I am doing well so that is always nice. For the baptism that is coming up one of the members that has been a REALLY good friend is going to baptize him, Jesus. I am ok with that though it will be a good experience for the both of them. The weather here has been HOT yesterday it was 90 degrees. It is suppose to be that today as well, so that is exciting! I won't lie I am not excited about the hot, you know me I am hot blooded so I do not need the heat. It is good though I will survive. That is cool that Grandpa wore the lei, Elder Talaipa will be really happy about that. I got the wedding announcement for DJ and Amy. I will not lie it was weird to see, but I am happy for him. It is just weird to think that I am the only single Brickey now. That is ok though because I have been busy in the Lord's errand and it is AWESOME! Well things here have not been to eventful this past week. I think the most memorable thing for me anyway was Friday. We took one of the less-active members of the 2nd ward with us on exchanges and we taught a couple lessons and he gave some awesome input. It was a really awesome thing to see and participate in. He is really coming along and doing well. I am sure that he will get back into the church, we just have a few things to work on. We than had dinner with a less-acitve in the 6th ward (YSA) and it was awesome. I can see so much of me in him it is crazy. I am pretty sure that if I did not get back into the church I would be right where he is now. He told me the first time that we met that he let me in cause there was something about me and as he has got to know me he said that he sees a lot of him in me. So that was pretty cool. We are teaching him the lessons and his roommate is not a member and he said that he will also get another girl that is less-active to come to church with him when he comes back. That was awesome, he is a good guy and has a lot of potencial. He is trying to also get me to come back here and go to Chico State to get my degree. I guess they have an awesome engineering program. Well I have not ate everything yet from your package though I am getting close. Thank you again mom for all you do. I really appreciate it and love you so much for all that you do for me. You are the greatest! LOVE YOU!Love your son,Elder Brickey
Curley Family-Well it sounds like you have had a good week. It sounds like Grandma and Grandpa did a very good job from everyones comments. I am not ready at all to give my own homecoming talk. I think I will go and "hide" at the cabin or go and visit Scott or something and delay it when that time comes. Though it is still a ways a way. I still do have 6 months so that is not long but it is long enough to get more work done. It is weird now though saying that I have been out for 18 months. I never thought the day would come and now that it is here I cannot believe how fast it came. Well it sounds like your kids are for sure Brickey's, little devils at one moment and then angels the next. Oh wait that is just all kids. Though I can imagine that they miss attention. With the way time seems to fly by and how much it scares me to say, but soon they will have their Uncle to give them attention. Wow scary thought, scary because the mission cannot be over that quick. I SO believe everyone now about the first year goes quick but the second year FLIES! It sounds like divorces are getting more and more common. I am pretty sad at the fact that people go through each other like they go through shoes or fads. It has been fun talking with people about the different things that the church believes. The fun one about eternal marriage was a lady told us that there was NO WAY that she would be with her husband for time and all eternity. That was interesting to say the least. It is just rediculous how often and how accepted divorce is now days. Well I hope that the cake goes well for DJ. I am sure that you will do a good job there too. I actually thought the other day that I would not mind getting into baking or something like that. Maybe I could help you out a bit if you decided to do a cake thing Shan. Than again now I am not entirely sure what I want to be when I grow up. If that will ever happen, me grow up hahaha! Anyway I really appreciate all your love and support. Thank you for all that you do. Take care and I will talk to you later.Love,Elder Brickey
Monday, April 20, 2009
emails 4-20--09
at 3:00 PM
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