Monday, February 9, 2009

Emails for 2-9-09

The Mommy-Hey there how are you doing? I am doing well. I am getting better at writing in my journal everyday so that is good. It is sad to see that in a year I have not written very much though. I am trying to get into a habit of writing before 10 pm that way I get it done and do not just leave it till tomorrow, which never happens. The post offices that I have been to were usually nice, the lady that was at this one though was not so nice. Oh well I guess. Alicia Elhart is like two or so years younger than me. She is the same age as Chelsey Coombs and yes she is the one that the Coombs had problems with. I got a newsletter from the Singles Ward and it showed that she was getting married to Skyler Haws. Good for them I guess. Well I am glad to hear that the package made its way home. I will be honest I do not remember how all or where all I got that stuff. I just accumulated way to much stuff and needed to get rid of it. I actually have some more stuff that I need to get sent off eventually too. I did not think that the watch was broken, what was broken on it? If it is to bad I will just figure something out. We are actually getting rain every now and than but for the most part we are staying pretty dry so that is nice. Well things are going pretty well out here. We had a slower week this week but that is ok because our investigator Alicia Bratten that is 19 is getting baptized this Saturday! It is SO awesome to see the atonement and gospel at work. We also picked up a new investigator that wants to get baptized eventually so that is nice. Funny but sad story. This last Wednesday we actually got towed. We went to a lesson and parked the car somewhere I guess it was not suppose to be. When we came out it was gone. It was kinda creepy but then I saw the sign and was not happy. Then the tow truck came back to get the car of the person that came to the lesson with us, so it was a good thing that we got out when we did otherwise we would not have had either car. So needless to say it has been an eventful week. Well I hope all goes well for you and that you are doing well mom. I love you.Love your son,Elder Brickey

Familia Curley-Well it sounds like you have had quite the week. It is good to hear that all the chillins are doing well and they are alive and kicking. I like the usage of "She kind of shouts and moves her limbs like a beached whale" in describing Aleana. I can totally visualize that. Well I hope things go well for your craft selling thing. I also hope that things work out for all the other plans like wedding cakes and so forth. Well things are going well here. I have not had to deal with any Elder Sister relations yet. There are no Sister missionaries in the Northern part of the mission. We have had other issues though. Missionaries are finding ways to distract themselves from the work with yo-yos and magic tricks and other weird things. There is also the fun that comes with Chico State College, girls here are interesting lets say. One of the Sororities (spelling?) has an things where their pledges try and get a pair of garments from a missionary and something else. So far though so good and no problems there. We just have missionaries that do not want to cooperate with the programs that President Pendleton has instated and so that is fun. Other than that though things are good. Transfers are next week and it is interesting to see them from a Zone Leaders point of view. Things are going well in our work though. We have the baptism of Alicia Bratten this Saturday which is awesome. We are also trying to get some more investigators since all of them keep getting baptized. What a bad problem right? Anyways. I am not sure what it is that I want to do anymore when I get older. I would love to drive cars or be in the outdoors all the time but I am not sure I will have to figure that out later I guess. Well things are going well other than that. I will try and make another CD with pictures to send to you. I hope all is well and I will talk to you later. Love you all.-Elder Brickey

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