The Mommy-It is fine about the meals, you learn how to deal with what is placed before you. I have also found that I am not as picky when it comes to food anymore. I know that the Lord helps missionaries out when the meal that is prepared is horrible. Without his help I would either be dead or very very sick, and so far so good!The difference between a zone and a district is size. A zone here in Cali is set to the size of the stake where as a district is usually a city or 2-4 sets of missionaries. In the Zone that I am in (Rocklin Zone) there are 24 missionaries, where as the district I am in (Lincoln English) is only 6 missionaries. The weather here is actually really mild right now. It still has its moments where I wish that it was cooler, but it is California so I can handle the heat. I am not sure about the fires anymore, I do not hear about them that much anymore. The air quality has definitely improved and it is not that bad anymore. The thing that we hear about the most is the Prop 8 thing which deals with making sure that marriage is defined as a man and a woman. It is weird to have to hear these things when they are not that present in Utah. Wow it is weird to hear that things are getting all prepared for Scott's wedding. I am still a little aw struck by it and how quick it is, but hey that is awesome. I think it will be even weirder for me to get home and be the ONLY single Brickey! Wow I am SOOO lucky! I just hope that Kyle is still there and free, I mean single. I am pretty excited about a new tie and to see Scott and Kayce's wedding announcement, though it will really set it that they are getting married when I see it. Thank you though I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of the package now!Well it sounds like you have a lot of things that you want to get done to the house. I also heard that Dad is going to be building the shop in the back, that will be nice to have when I get home. I did not get the invite for dad's 5-0, I would like to see it though. I would also like to see all the new additions to the house like the water fountain and such. It seems like all kinds of things are changing around the house.Well I am doing well and this past week was actually really good. We did not have any crazy dinners, though we might have one tonight I will let you know if it is. We picked up two new investigators who want to get baptized, they just do not know when yet. Other than that things have just been going really well. Transfers are on September 2 so it is VERY likely that I will be leaving, just a heads up for you.How are things going and let me know how things are going for the wedding and such. Well good luck with all the festivities in the coming week. I love you and miss you mom. Take care and I will talk to you later. Love your son,Elder Brickey
Curley's-Hello hello! Well it sounds like you have had a fun week! Things have been going well here in Cali. We picked up a new investigator and so now we have three people that are progressing towards baptism. It would be awesome to have more than that ready for whoever comes in next, but the Lord is giving us what we have earned and are prepared for. Things have been going well and the weather seems to be getting cooler which is what I like to see. I definitely perform better in cooler temperatures. It sounds like life is pretty crazy back in Utah. I am kinda glad that I do not have to deal with the ciaos and such. Though I would love to see it all happen. I would love to get pictures of the wedding. I actually do not know how you would do it but if you could send me pictures of my accident (motorcycle) I would appreciate that too. I know that on my laptop there were some but who knows, maybe on my external hard drive. There is also something else that I would like to maybe see if it could be done. I was wondering if there was a way to make a business card with one side telling my mission address and the other with the home address, maybe Nicole could do it so I will ask her in my letter to her or whoever. I think that dad's email can rip my heart out sometimes. I have already noticed a lot of change in him. I know that it was hard for him when he was told that he could not ordain me. Than an even bigger hit came when he was told that he could not even stand in the circle. I was very appreciative when we were there and Bro Bezzant looked at dad and said that Stake Pres trumps and he was needed in that circle. I am proud of dad and the whole family. It seems that everyday you all grow closer and closer together and closer to our Father in Heaven. I wish in a lot of ways that I could have been there to see Scott through these awesome events, but I know that I will be able to be apart of even more memories when I return home.Well it sounds like you are winding down with work. It seems like you work a new area more than I do in the mission. I bet it will be nice to be back to school and have at least some kind of normalcy in your lives.I hope that things go well for your pregnancy I will try my best in keeping you in my prayers. I know that things will go well and that you will all be okay, just by relying on the Lord. He has already pulled me through some very difficult times in my life and I know that he will do the same for everyone and anyone who turns to him.I hope that all is going well. Give everyone a squeeze for me. I love you and wish you the best.Love your littlest bro,Elder Brickey
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