Monday, February 11, 2008

emails 2/11/08

The Mommy-Elder Gardner was in my Zone so I actually know him, sorta. You really get to know someone when you live with them. It was a little strange to have Elder Nash gone, but at the same time it was good cause it is good to get change. Elder Gardner was just down in the Redding area so just an hour away and he is from Riverton, Utah. Yeah the box, uh lets see...The guns Elder Nash and I got from a member in the ward, he is 17 and went to BYU Idaho and gave them to us. Elder Nash did not want them so I got them and after being tempted to shoot each other to many times, I decided to get them away so no temptation. The tie is from Brother Lewis, he is the Ward Mission Leader, he gave us like 20 ties and I liked it, but cannot wear it on the mission. I will have to make a list of the pictures and who and what is on them and send it to you. Thank you for calling Brie and getting that to her, I really appreciate it cause it saves on postage. I know it does look like we are just playing, but that is when I can take pictures is when we play. I don't think it would be good to take pictures of teaching appointments and such. The weather has been nice and sunny for the past week, it has been a nice time to recoup from all the shoveling. Things are holding up pretty decent, I do have to admit that I forgot to grab my white pants out of my temple bag, for baptisms. OOPS :-) Grandma sent me a Valentines Day package and she told me about Uncle Bill and Aunt Burdene, that is awesome and good for them. Do the videos work? I did not think that they would, oh well. Yes that is me playing the piano, I found a simplified hymnbook and I can play quite well cause it is SUPER easy. My camera has a video camera on it, that is how I did the videos. Yeah Elder Nash is my "Father" and he trained and follow up trained me so it is just him. Yeah you are "born" to your trainer than you can have "kids" when you train. You are at mid-life at one year and than at 2 years we have a funeral cause they are "dead" now. It is a fun tradition. Well how are things going there? Things are going good here. We are getting a lot done and we will hopefully have another 2 or 3 baptism by the end of the transfer, which would be awsome. Well thank you for writing me and I hope that all is well. Take care and I love you tons.-Elder Brickey

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