The Mommy-We were able to use a members computer. We were over helping and they offered to let us use their computer for our help. Elder Gardner has been out for 1 year, he actually came out the same time as Elder Nash. At dinners I do say thank you, and I do try to help with the stacking up. Most of the time people tells us no, or tell us to go sit down when we start to clean up. I still try to do what I can though to make you proud and live up to my promise of helping clean up. Wow there are a lot of new babies in the ward. I did hear about Jessica's bridal shower from Brie and she said it was nice to see you and talk to you for a bit. I have not gotten an invitation yet, but I would not be suprised if I do get one. I got the package, thank you for the candy and for sending it back. I felt a little silly after I had just sent it to you. I did get my taxes sent off. As for what to do with that money, if you could put like 200 or so into my checking that would be nice other than that I do not really care what happens with it. Elder Gardner had never been to Mount Shasta before. Not many missionaries get the opportunity to come up and see it or be in the area. I could be driving if I called in, but since Elder Gardner is the senior he is suppose to drive and I do not really care until he almost kills us than I might decide to change it up. The area is still good, and I like it. I have been meeting more people, but definiatly not as many as when I first got here, but that can be expected. The baptism got moved back because they are sick and they have not been to church at least twice which is a requirement. Holidays do not affect my pday at all. In July I think is when President Perry gets released. The new mission President will be announced here shortly. I had no idea that there was an Earthquake. We did not feel anything, well that I can remember anyways. Wow houses in St. George are pricey. I am glad that Ryan was ordained, that is awesome. I am so happy for that kid and getting his life turned around. We only have about 8 inches of snow still on the ground around Mt. Shasta city, on the outskirts there can be up to 4 feet still though. Well thats about it for here in Mount Shasta. How are things going on there? Hopefully good. Well take care. Love you.-Elder Brickey
Hello-It is okay, I like short they are great. Well it sounds like things are going well for you back home, busy but good. It is crazy to think that Saedy is one and that Dallin is two. Man I am to young for this, just kidding. I was wondering when Dallin would start quoting movies, he is quite the movie buff. Yeah sweets are better and you can blame Shan she has a HUGE sweet tooth. Love you Shan, don't hurt me in other words. ;-) My car was posted on Craigslist and on Autotrader, I am not sure but I thought that they would have expired by now. I will see if I can find out. Most logins that I use will be mcclarinman, and if you need a password I can get that for you too. Transfers are like the 17th of March. I keep hearing that I am going to be kicked to the curb, but you never know. I still am enjoying the area and would not mind staying, but the Lord will put me where I need to be. I have not ran into many crazies lately, which has been nice. There are a ton of loonies it is funny. Wow Den leader over the Bears, that is cool. I will definiatly have Saedy in my thoughts on Friday, it is weird that she is one, it feels like just yesterday she was born. It sounds like Dallin is getting quite into the TERRIBLE of terrible twos, how fun for you both. But at least you have mom there to help, since he LOVES her to death. Well it sounds like things are going well for you both. Well take care and love you tons.-Elder Brickey
Monday, February 25, 2008
Emails 2-25-08
Monday, February 18, 2008
Emails 2-18-08
The Mommy-Well I am glad that things are going a little better for you back there. I heard about the weather conditions that you had there. The year that I am gone we get some sweet storms, oh well. Thank you for my pants, I am not in a huge hurry for them, but thanks though. Things have been warm and sunny here. The work has been going well and the new comp and I are doing pretty well. Well I hope you had a Happy Vday and thanks for the goodies. Love you tons.-Elder Brickey
To Curleys:
Hello and SO SORRY!
Last week I went to send your email and I got kicked off the computer,
we only get an hour. So I now get to redo all that I did. Anyways....
My name actually means battle warrior or something like that. I do fit
the round and lumpy though. Transfers were good, and my new companion
is good too. We have had a lot of sun the last two weeks or so. I am
glad to hear that the family is doing well. I can only imagine the
mischief that they will be in when I get home. Well I hope the best
for you guys with school and with having time to be together as a family. I
did get the package from the family and I appreciate it a lot, thank you.
The new comp is good, he has a few things that he does that bug, but
hey you work through it. My bike is still in mint condition, it only has
like 100 feet on it. Sorry this is short, but I am trying to get
everyone emailed. Things are going well, our baptism got pushed back, we are
not sure when yet though. Other than that things have been going
WEll take care and thank you again. Love you.
-Elder Brickey
Monday, February 11, 2008
emails 2/11/08
The Mommy-Elder Gardner was in my Zone so I actually know him, sorta. You really get to know someone when you live with them. It was a little strange to have Elder Nash gone, but at the same time it was good cause it is good to get change. Elder Gardner was just down in the Redding area so just an hour away and he is from Riverton, Utah. Yeah the box, uh lets see...The guns Elder Nash and I got from a member in the ward, he is 17 and went to BYU Idaho and gave them to us. Elder Nash did not want them so I got them and after being tempted to shoot each other to many times, I decided to get them away so no temptation. The tie is from Brother Lewis, he is the Ward Mission Leader, he gave us like 20 ties and I liked it, but cannot wear it on the mission. I will have to make a list of the pictures and who and what is on them and send it to you. Thank you for calling Brie and getting that to her, I really appreciate it cause it saves on postage. I know it does look like we are just playing, but that is when I can take pictures is when we play. I don't think it would be good to take pictures of teaching appointments and such. The weather has been nice and sunny for the past week, it has been a nice time to recoup from all the shoveling. Things are holding up pretty decent, I do have to admit that I forgot to grab my white pants out of my temple bag, for baptisms. OOPS :-) Grandma sent me a Valentines Day package and she told me about Uncle Bill and Aunt Burdene, that is awesome and good for them. Do the videos work? I did not think that they would, oh well. Yes that is me playing the piano, I found a simplified hymnbook and I can play quite well cause it is SUPER easy. My camera has a video camera on it, that is how I did the videos. Yeah Elder Nash is my "Father" and he trained and follow up trained me so it is just him. Yeah you are "born" to your trainer than you can have "kids" when you train. You are at mid-life at one year and than at 2 years we have a funeral cause they are "dead" now. It is a fun tradition. Well how are things going there? Things are going good here. We are getting a lot done and we will hopefully have another 2 or 3 baptism by the end of the transfer, which would be awsome. Well thank you for writing me and I hope that all is well. Take care and I love you tons.-Elder Brickey
Monday, February 4, 2008
Feb 4 2008 emails
Curley's-Well that is cool that you had church canceled, sorta. Bishop Taylor said that if he can make it to the Church so can everyone else, so he does not like to cancel is what I got out of that. Wow you have a ton of snow, I am so jealous. I go on my mission and we get a good year of snow, just my luck I guess. Well that is good though, the state can use the water. It is still snowing up here. The other day we had the opportunity to shovel 5 feet off one members house, than about 5.5 off another members house. We have been getting a little bit of snow. Yeah President Hinckley's funeral was beautiful. I was able to watch it over at the Bishop's house. President Monson seemed like he was ready to be Prophet, and he seems like he will do a wonderful job. Well Elder Nash is leaving me. He is going to Nevada City, it is by Yuba City and Tahoe. My new companion is Elder Gardner, he is also from Utah. Everything has been going really well out here. The work has been slowed by the weather, but we are getting a lot of service opportunities which is good. We don't do anything to our vehicles, they are all new enough that we just take them in and get everything done. Zone Conference is coming up, I just do not remember when. Well I am glad to hear that things are going well for you and that the family is doing well also. I hope that things keep going well for you. Take care of yourselves.-Elder Brickey
The Mommy-Yeah we have been getting slammed with snow. We have about 6 feet at our apartment. It snows than is sunny than snows some more. We just keep getting more and more. This has been the most snow that Mount Shasta has gotten in a LONG time is what I keep hearing. I never got sick though, which was nice. Elder Nash is actually leaving me, tomorrow. He is going to Nevada City, down by Yuba City and Tahoe and Reno. I was able to watch the Funeral at the Bishop's house. It was weird to think that I will never get to see him in General Conference anymore. It feels like I have lost a Grandpa or someone of great importance in my life. He has been my prophet. Baptized, confirmed, recieved the aaronic and mechezidek priesthood, mission call, and endowment all under him. President Monson though seems like he is ready to take over so that is good. Well I hope that things are going well for you at home. Things here have been crazy with all the snow and shoveling that we do. It seems like I have not taught anyone in forever. Well I hope that all is well and I will talk to you later. Love you tons.-Elder Brickey