Monday, January 7, 2008

email from 1-7-08

The Mommy-Happy New Year back to you. Of course I did not stay up, I need the beauty sleep. I was asleep by about 11 maybe sooner. We actually got dumped on the last five days. We got about three and a half feet of snow and Mount Shasta Ski Resort had only 26 inches before the storm and now has 116 inches or more so it was a good little storm. We shoveled SO much snow it was crazy how much, but hey it makes me stronger I guess. Sweet more presents! It feels weird I will be 20 in 2 days, crazy crazy. I bet that makes you feel old :-). Just teasing, you don't look a day over 21. Maybe today I will get the package, who knows the mail here has been so slow with the weather it is crazy. The last few days the mail has not gotten to our place till about 6 or 7, usually it is there about 3-4. Elder Nash's birthday is on the 12th, and we both don't feel any different. It feels weird to be away on a birthday, no family is weird. I will tell him Happy Birthday for you. I check my bank statement every pday online it is easier than getting statements in the mail. Well things have been going pretty well here. We actually saved a guys life, sort of. He cannot walk very well and he was not answering his phone so we stopped by and he was out trying to plow his driveway. He got his 4x4 blazer stuck, and was trying to make it back to his house, which is about 100 yards. We made a trail for him, and got him inside to rest. We got his truck unstuck, which was fun. It is a good thing that I payed attention to dad and you and Scott on how to drive. Elder Nash could not figure out how to get it unstuck and the other day this guy also got his other truck stuck, and Elder Nash does not know how to drive a manual very well so I got to do it. So we have been having all kinds of fun with the weather. Well I will send some pictures as soon as I can. Take care. Love you.-Elder Brickey

Curley Family-Hello there! I am glad to hear that the kids are doing well, and growing up way to quick for me. Than again I will be 20 in two days so yeah. It sounds like you have your hands full between the two, so you feeling like you are going to have more? Maybe later. Well I hope that the semester goes well for you Ryan and that it does not cause to much stress and grief. I am glad to hear that you are both staying busy. It makes time go by better, and faster. The week has been pretty crazy. We have gotten about 3 feet of snow at our apartment and it ranges up to 6 or more feet in other places. We are in a truck actually. It is a 2008 Chevy Colorado. It is 4x4 which has been really nice with the weather being snowy. I felt like I was getting fat, but the Lord provided A LOT of excersize with shoveling A LOT of snow for people. My Birthday, crazy I don't feel like it should be, but I don't know what day it feels like anymore. Yeah it has been nice though with the snow in some ways, I have not been in a tie or slacks that often. The down side though, I have not been dry since last week, so I don't know which I like more. Mount Shasta is amazing, and there are some "SPECIAL" people who live here. The Buddist's are nice, not very talkative but nice. The monistery is crazy big and cool looking, I want to go on a tour and see it more. The hippies are fun, they are Manchurians (not sure on spelling) they believe the mountain has healing powers, and so do crystals. They are fun a little crazy but fun. Most of them migrate out though with the cold, since they usually live up on the mountain somewhere. We have some other interesting religions and strange people, but it is fun to listen to their beliefs and realize how much better off we are then they are. Anyway. I hope that all is going well for you all. Take care of yourselves. Love you.-Elder Brickey

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