Friday, November 9, 2007

Nov 7, 2007 Letter

Hey hey I have been gone for two weeks! you miss me yet? It has been a good two weeks though & it's crazy to think that next week I will be in California. We leave the MTC Tuesday at 5am and our flight leaves SLC at 8:40am than we will arrive in Sacramento at 9:30 am so 50 min flight I guess.
Mom, yeah grandpa was pretty funny. He found me in the lunch room & gave me the CD & than on Halloween he came up to my room & dropped off some candy. All the Elders in my district call him "Grandpa" instead of "Elder Walker" it is pretty funny. I already ask grandpa but just in case I would like a copy of my Priesthood line of Authority if I could get it. My schedule is kinda crazy. We wake up every morning at 6:15 get dressed & go to class that starts at 7. It's harder than you think to make it on time with shaving and all that good stuff. We usually have personal study from 7 -815, than breakfast from 815 to 845. Than its back to the classroom for campanion study from 845 to about 945. Than one of our two teachers is there from 945 to about 1, than its lunch from 1 to 145. than we have more study time, maybe a large group meeting or another class till about 6 than its dinner till 645. Than depending on the day we either have more classroom instruction, study time, or a devotional. Than from 9 to 930 we plan for the next day activities such as what we are going to study and such than head back to the residence to sleep.
The stairs are such a work out. On average I walk them up and down 3-8 times a day. Wednesday is usually more cause its Preperation Day (the day I get to write). Last Tuesday we had Elder Bednar & his wife speak which was AMAZING! this week we had Bishop Edgley from the Presiding Bishopric & his wife & that was awesome too. You need to take it easy though, trying to cut off your finger, goodness gracious! Thank you for taking care of my Temple recommend problem. I would have been more detailed but I didn't have much time to write. Thank you for the cookies they were good & I shared with our trick-o-treaters they like them too. my handwriting changes I am sorry, but I alsmo made Dad's section bigger so he could read it. He doesn't like my small hand writing. Elder is now my companion until we get to the field, mine & Elder Mitchell's. It has been cool having two we work really well together. Well that is awesome that you sold Zowee, sad but good....How much did you get out of her? Sorry I missed saying Happy Birthday to Dallin in my last letter, give him a hug & a kiss for me.

The MTC has been good, crazy but good. Just as I get use to everything I am getting shipped off. I have actually really enjoyed myself here it has been good. I am pretty stoked to go on a ried on my bike though I will admit that. I have been doing my wall push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, playing basketball & playing four square to stay excersing. So I feel pretty good still. I am glad you got to drive Zowee before she sold, its such a fun car, but its good to be gone & not have to deal with that anymore. Am I ready? I can only hope that I am. With God at my side Yes I am ready to conquer the world. I am pretty excited to fly again I will admit & than California here I am. Sounds like thinkgs are a bit crazy at home, well with Zack nayway. Well I hope the best for you good luck with school.

I love you all very much!
-Elder Brickey

PS You will probably have to address your next letter to the mission home!!!

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