Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Emails 10-28-2008

The Mommy-We did not get to email the last two Monday's because last Monday we were busy and than this Monday we had half mission conference. Sorry about that! Thank you for the package. It was not melted and all the missionaries in my apartment are appreciative for the package. Well can you believe that it has been a year already since you saw me last? Things are going so well though. The work seems to be progressing along so well though. We had an awesome experience at half mission conference. Elder Teixeira of the 70 came and talked to us. He and his wife were AWESOME. For Halloween we are going to go in at 6! Though we can stay at the church for the activity there as long as we have an investigator there. Well things are going well here. I cannot believe actually how well things are going. Well how is the family and how are you doing mom? I won't lie I am getting pretty excited that Christmas is coming up so I can talk to you all again. I love you mom and hope all is going well for you.Love your son,Elder Brickey

Curley Family-Hello hello there! Well has my mission been a trick or treat? Total treat thus far! It is a little weird to think that I have under a year left. It is actually really weird to think about that. I cannot believe that another Halloween is coming that I will be away for. I definitely miss the activities though from Halloween. Well it seems like the kids and you are all doing well and excited for the holidays. Can you believe that Thanksgiving is around the corner than Christmas. I cannot believe that it is the holiday season already. The kids are all growing up and changing, the world just keeps on moving. I did hear that TY and DJ were getting married. And from what dad told me that by the time I get home I will be the ONLY Brickey that is single! Now ain't that interesting? I do have to say that I am in NO rush to be getting married! There are things that I want to do and girls are not part of the equation. Well I am glad to hear that you and the family are all doing good. I cannot believe that the house is getting all redone and such as well. It will be weird to come home and see what all has changed. Well other than that stuff I am doing well. I am going to be turning 21 in two months! Though that does not feel all that cool anymore. We did have half mission conference yesterday. We had Elder Teixeira from the 70 come and talk to us. He was awesome and did a very good job. He gave us all renewed fuel to go out and work our tails off. Other than that I am doing really well. I am just doing all that I can the best I can. I hope it is enough and that it will pay out the way that I want. Well I love you all and hope you all are well. Take care and have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!-Elder Brickey

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Emails 10-20-08

The Mommy-It is okay about the emails though I was a little worried that you forgot about me. I am glad that I stayed in Oroville it is nice to not have to pack again. The Hmong Elders did not get transferred everything stayed the same here in Oroville. So that is nice to not have things changing all the time though change can be good. I think most of my things are holding up. I might be in the need of new garment bottoms maybe a couple tops. Other than that I don't know. Yeah it is hard to believe that it is fall again and cooling down. The weather here is pretty good here, cooling down nice. Wow there are Sister Missionaries there now. We have had a few mid-transfers before though we usually do not have the swap usually though straight out from Elders to Sisters that is usually bad. Well it sounds like things are going well for the remodel of the house. I hope that things continue to go well for it. Well things are going well here and I hope that they are going well for you. I love you and hope that your well.Love your son,Elder Brickey

Curley's-Well it sounds like things are going well there in Utah. I still think it is pretty crazy that the house is being remodeled and such. It sounds like the kids are doing well and that the family is good so that is nice. I cannot believe that they are all growing up so fast. Nicole told me that Aleana is pretty fun, but will be even more fun when I get home! Well that is good that Dad found time to go out and do some hunting. I am excited to come home and be able to go out and do some camping I really miss that. Well I hope that whatever the Elders did was not that bad. We have had out fair share of rogue Elders here in Cali though. They have done some pretty stupid things too. Though I am not sure what all they have done, just heard some of the details. I am NOT a zone leader thank goodness, just a regular old missionary. I really love the work and I cannot believe that I have been out for a year. Well I have been working with a few people that are close to baptism though they do not want to get baptized quite yet. Well things are going well here and I really hope that things are going well back home for you all. I love you and hope you are doing well.-Elder Brickey

No email

So far this week we have not received an email. If we get one we will post it.

For those of you not familiar with blogs, you can post comments (spiritual thoughts). Just click on the comments (spiritual thoughts) then follow the instructions to post a thought. We have told Kade about the blog, and if/when he can he checks it. We will also tell him what was said, just in case he can't get to it.

Monday, October 13, 2008

A letter 10-6-08

The Mommy-
Hello Hello! How are you doing? How does it feel to have 7 grand kids? Anyway. I just thought I would write you a letter since I have not for a while. Well I got the package from you, thank you very much. As I looked through the pictures it made me have a lot of mixed emotions. I realized that an important thing was missing from the pictures, namely me. Than again I am very thankful for the experiences that I am having here on the mission.
Well can you believe it, my mission is half way over. A year ago we were busy getting things ready for me to leave. In a years time I will be getting ready to come home. I feel like I just left, I cannot believe how fast time is flying. I guess the saying is true about when your having fun time flies. The work is awesome, I cannot believe I have only a year left of full time missionary work. I will have to make it better than year one.
Well how goes the remodeling of the house? From what I have heard the house if going to be really different when I get home. Which reminds me, I wonder what Kyle thought when he got home & saw the change. I will have to ask him. So what all is being done to the house, or do you want me to just wait & see?
I hope you enjoyed conference. I found it simply amazing. My companion & I were talking about it yesterday (Sunday) & we both decided that we understand what Joseph Smith meant when he said that he felt drained of his energy after Moroni appeared to him & when Jesus & our Father in Heaven did as well. The information & spirit that all the messages had were spectacular. After conference I felt more drained & tired than after a full day of work under the sun. I never thought that sitting & listening could be so tiring yet exhilerating.
I love you & hope you are doing well. Give everyone a "Hello" from me & a hug & also get someone to give you a hug for me. Take care Mom & I hope to hear from you.
Love always!
Your son,
Elder Brickey

Emails 10-13-08

The Mommy-Well I am glad that you got my letter. Well a few things that have happened have been that the work has been going well and that things are progressing well for us out here. I cannot believe that I have been gone for a year, it has not felt that long. Well I did not get sore from the car accident at all and the car I have no clue as to what happened to it. They did get a new car though because they have to have one. Transfers were today and I found out that both my companion and I are staying for another 6 weeks at least. I would not mind having some pictures of the house but it does not really matter. I do have to admit that I have not gotten an email from you for a while. I did send a couple to your myway account though it does seem like you are now on gmail so that could be why I have not heard back. You could send them to me though, the emails that did not get sent. Well I hope all is going well for you mom. I love you and miss you. Take care and I hope things go well for you.Your son,Elder Brickey
Curley Fam-Well it sounds good to hear that things are going well for you all. I cannot believe that the kids are just growing and growing. I think that it is weird to now think that I have seven nieces and nephews and that they are all growing up so fast. It seems like things are going really well back home so that is good. Well I kinda like the name Ale, its cute and since she is my niece it fits. Well anyway it seems like things will always go well when we are in the service of the Lord. Well today was transfer day and my companion and I are staying together for another 6 weeks. On most p-days we do go and play sports, we have a couple trails that we want to go and ride though. Well for the most part my companion and I get along in almost everything so that is good. He is more competitive than I am but that is okay. Well we have not found any more investigators lately. The tracting has not been very successful and we are not getting any referrals so it is hard to get new investigators without either of those. Things have been going well though and I cannot believe that I am almost a year out. Time is flying by. Well I love you and hope that all is well. Take care and I will talk to you later. Love ya!Elder Brickey

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Emails 10-6-08

The Mommy-I just wanted to let you know that I am doing well and safe. I got your package and thank you very much. Well how have you been doing? Things are going well here. We have had a couple of good things happen this week and it seems like things are just going awesome. Well I hope that things are going well for you mom I love you.Your son,Elder Brickey

Curley Family-Well I am glad to hear that baby and mom are doing well. I think that it is funny that the kids are fighting over who gets to hold Aleana. It sounds like things are going well though and I am glad to hear that. I will not lie, there have not been any kind of rattles that I know of. I think that we are far enough from LA that we will not feel much unless it is big. Well it is good that things went well for the birth and such. Well this past week has been a good one for me. We seem to be doing well and things are just going well in general. I really loved conference and the things that were taught. It seems like each conference is better and better. Well I hope that things are going well for you and that things continue to go well for your family. I love you all and hope all is going well.-Elder Brickey