The Mommy-We did not get to email the last two Monday's because last Monday we were busy and than this Monday we had half mission conference. Sorry about that! Thank you for the package. It was not melted and all the missionaries in my apartment are appreciative for the package. Well can you believe that it has been a year already since you saw me last? Things are going so well though. The work seems to be progressing along so well though. We had an awesome experience at half mission conference. Elder Teixeira of the 70 came and talked to us. He and his wife were AWESOME. For Halloween we are going to go in at 6! Though we can stay at the church for the activity there as long as we have an investigator there. Well things are going well here. I cannot believe actually how well things are going. Well how is the family and how are you doing mom? I won't lie I am getting pretty excited that Christmas is coming up so I can talk to you all again. I love you mom and hope all is going well for you.Love your son,Elder Brickey