Monday, May 26, 2008

Emails 5-26-2008

The Mommy-I think that the award is just the same as last times award. We got second place this time, and there was not a dirty window sill that got us, it was dirt around the brim of the tub and smuges on the vent hood. I am not sure why Elder Remington's name is on the award, maybe they messed up. I do have a hard copy though that is correct, it is in my CRM (California Roseville Mission) binder. The package has a pillow in it. A member hooked me up with a supposedly good pillow that will help me sleep better and not have such bad cricks in my neck when I wake up. I guess we messed up on the shipping information. I would appreciate it if you would send it to me, but if it is going to be expensive it does not matter that much.That is funny that Ryan forgot to get someone to feed the Missionaries. We send around a dinner calendar here, but I think that it is a little harder to do there in Utah when the missionaries cover a lot bigger areas than we do. I think that all missionaries are either quick or learn to be faster. We always have things getting spilled and we have to learn to move really fast so we do not get our suits or whatever dirty. You would actually be suprised at how many Missionaries do get married or engaged shortly after their missions to girls that they met in the mission field. There is a missionary that went home in April from here, and he is already engaged to a girl from the mission, well he got engaged a few weeks ago. There is actually a talk that President Kimball I think did that is called "Lock Your Hearts". It talks about how we missionaries need to lock our hearts while in the mission and to only concentrate on the work and not on finding our eternal companion. I do not think you need to worry about me getting into any trouble with that, I agree on focusing on the work and not the girls that are here in California.It sure seems like things are still going back home. I do believe that the Poulson and Sheilds boys are graduating. I remember that when I would turn either 12, 14 or 16 that there was like 13 boys that would come into the class before I left and they were both in there before I left if I remember right. I cannot believe that Lindsey is getting married. If my memory serves me right, Lindsey and I went to school with a Soderquist. Today is just a normal p-day, nothing grand or exciting. I actually am not going to be able to play around either. Last week I sprained my ankle pretty bad and it is still sore so I am going to take care of myself and not play and let it heal some more. I never go to the Library to email here in Lincoln. We get to use the Family History Center in the building which has 6 computers so all 6 of us Elders can use them.What color ties do I have? Well I have some red, blue, one yellow, one pink, and a few other ones that I do not really wear that much. I like orange, green, yellow, well just things that are nice and fun. It is weird how much my tastes in ties have changed since I left on a mission. Well things are going well here in California. The work is slowing with teaching but that only means that we need to find more. The weather has been pretty nice, well in my opinion. It has been cooler and cloudy all week and Elder Remington does not like the cooler temps he likes it nice and HOT!Well I hope that all is going well for you back home. Take care and I love you.-Elder Brickey

Curley's-I am glad that you like to read my emails, I sometimes think that they are rather boring actually. I try my best to not judge and to keep myself positive which seems to help out. I remember that I was told that if I keep a positive attitude and always try and find the light instead of the darkness that things will go better. It is a little tough to have a dried up teaching pool. Though it does mean that you get to go and meet new people and also get some new experiences. I swear that when you tract you get to meet crazy people and you get some really fun and interesting memories. I just hope that we can get things going again here in the Lincoln area. I really believe that there is a lot of potencial here, it is just a matter of time before things will happen.It seems like you are having quite the week. I do agree with you about making sure that the toilet seat is down though. We were brought up that way so it is not so hard for me, well I should say it was not so hard for me. The mission life has kinda changed that. I am a lot more lazy on things that I use to not be. I am not jealous of the headaches and the hassles that you seem to be going through though. Than again the everyday life of a missionary is not all that stress free, but it is not that hard at the same instance. I was actually going to ask how Dallin was doing in nursery. I have learned that there is quite the assortment of kids in the world and I hope that my kids are not as crazy as some are. I might have to but the smack down on them if they are. I think that all my neices and nephews are pretty good kids. A little crazy at times and rambunkcious (?) but good kids. I think it is funny how they all have their little quarks and how different they all really are. I do have to admit though that Saedy was fun because she did not care who held her and she did not care what you did to her. I still laugh at the times when I would hold her upside down and she would just chill there and suck on her hand. Than I would flip or spin her and she would just laugh at me and have a big grin. Those were fun times. That is good that Dad is finally getting all his stuff done for his C&C. How is Scott doing on getting his stuff done? I do not think that there would be anything bad on either of their records, except for maybe a few tickets.Did the card for Scott, or Scooter, make it to the house? I acutally could use a favor on a calander with birthdays of the fam on it. I mean I know Mom, Dad, Cassie, Shan, Scott, and Nicole but I am a little unsure about everyone elses. I am glad to hear that you and the baby are doing well Shan. I am a lot like Dad on the fact that it is more important to me that you are both okay than anything. I am not sure if I want to know or not, but since there was not a PS than I guess I do not need to know. When again is the approx due date? Well I hope that you get feeling better I will keep you in my prayers.I love you all and I hope that you are doing well. Things here are going well. The weather has been cooler which has been really nice for me. The work is slowly picking up, hopefully. It is weird to think that there is only 2 more weeks in this transfer and then President Perry leaves like 3 weeks later. It will be interesting to see the transition between the two Presidents. Well other than that things are going pretty well. I hope that things are going well for you and that you have a good week. Love you and take care of yourselves.-Elder Brickey

Monday, May 19, 2008

Emails 5-19-2008

He also received an award, 2nd place, for the cleanest apartment. Once again they were one window sill away from winning.

The Mommy-Well things are going fairly well here in Lincoln. The teaching has slowed down a bit, but that means that the finding is going up or the trying to find I should say. The temperature has been getting warm. I believe that we either broke 100 or got really close this week, so that was really fun! I do not really notice the humidity here. That is cool that Jolene was able to go down to TX and watch Mickell's tourneys. That is really cool that her boss paid for her flight as well, that is awesome. I do remember the Coddington family, and that is sad to here that Paula has cancer. I do hope that things go well for her though.I did remember that the cost of postage is going up, but I was smart and got some forever stamps. I think I have like 20 or so. I think for now I am okay on stamps. That is sad to hear that Grizz is getting old and falling apart. I need at least one of my puppies to still be alive when I get home. I am not surprised though that Oreo likes to pester Grizz. That is funny that Dallin just crawled under and laid with him though, Grizz has always been laid back. For garmets I am a 32. I heard that there is a new kind as well it is like compression shorts or something like that for sports and such. I might like to try a pair, but whatever works. I have the cotton poly boxer briefs.Well how are things going for you? I hope you are doing well. I will talk to you later, take care. Love you.-Elder Brickey

Curley's-Things are going well here in Cali. The work has slowed down a little, well with the teaching end it has but the finding or tracting has gone up to compensate. Californians have a lot of stereotypes and for the most part they are wrong. They do say HECKA a lot though. There is a huge difference in Northern Cali and Southern Cali though. I am not sure what all they are because I have never really been to So Cal so I cannot compare. I do not really have a best or worst person that I have met here. I try my best to not judge those around me. Though I have met a few really weird people. For the most part though they are all hippies and I AMers that have been really strange. My bike is doing really well. I picked a good one out. I have to have a front and rear light here in California it is the LAW! It also helps so I do not get ran over. I did get a pant clip and it has helped keep my pants from getting destroyed. I have not had any accidents yet so that is good. I have always been a little accident prone, but so far so good.I am not sure that by proxy I will get the speeding and shooting out of my system, but you can always try. I have always heard that women are better shots then men are. Though it does sound like you need to work on your finger jerking to stabilize your shooting. It seems like your kids just keep on growing up. I think it is funny that it is Dallin and Kirk that play with each other and not McKay and Dallin. I think it is awesome that Dad and Mom are both brag about me. It is weird to think about, but at the same time really cool. I agree that I will definitely be interesting to see what all has changed when I get home. I am sorry to hear though that your kids have been under the weather. I am glad however to hear that they are doing better. I think going shooting once a month would be quite fun actually. Especially for a date that is cool.For dad and fathers day I am in on whatever. I know dad and his well a paint job for my truck or weird things like that. I am not sure really on any ideas for him, but I will keep it on my mind and see what I can do.I should be able to email next Monday, I email in the Churches Family History Center and that is always open.Well things are going well here in and I hope that things are going well there. Take care of yourselves and I miss you all. Love you.-Elder Brickey

Friday, May 16, 2008

Emails 5-12-08

Sorry we are slacking this week. But at least we posted!!
We got to talk to him on Sunday and he is doing well. It was great to talk to him and hear how he is doing.

Curley Family-No worries on the disconnect, though I was really irritated with the phone. I could not even tell you that the phone was going to die or anything, it just went out on me. I felt bad to cause I did not get to finish our conversation, so sorry for that. I did feel a little weird when I called Scott and I heard his voice. I was all excited and thought that I was going to see you all or something, but did not sadly. It is a little weird to not talk to the family and then BAM the whole family and it is so exciting and fun, than it is over and you are excited that you got to talk to everyone than you realize that you do not get to see anyone for a while and that you do not get to even talk to them for a while either. It is definitely a very bitter sweet moment. That is cool that Oreo will fetch, just have to work on where she drops the ball. Dad was actually talking about how Grizz seems to get a long really well with Oreo, though at times he is not sure what to do with her. Than after she has pestered him enough he snaps/snips at her and she will YELP at the top of her lungs. I did hear that Nicole was living at Ritchie's house. I guess whatever works. Though she did say that there is a possibility that she might work in Saratoga Springs which would make the commute longer than if she was at home, but than again it is pretty crowded at home. Eh whatever I guess.Is it weird that I really want to shoot something or kill something right now? I don't know I just want to do some shooting and go really fast! Two things that are not allowed in the mission. Oh wells I guess.Oh wow you let dad cut your hair, that is cool. I actually cut my own hair now. It has been nice because it saves me that money to put towards something else. I agree as well that it feels like I have been gone forever, but yet at the same time just yesterday I left. It is weird. It sounds like you got mom some cool stuff. I am sorry to hear that you bruised your tailbone. That is no fun whatsoever. I have done that a couple times and it sucked. Well I am not sure what else to say, but it was awesome to talk to you all yesterday. I hope you are doing well. Take care and I will talk to you soon. Love you all.-Elder Brickey

The Mommy-Well it was good to talk to you yesterday! I cannot believe that Mother's Day has already passed, I swear it was a ways a way when I entered the MTC. For the cream, I really do not care. I am not sure how well it worked or if I really care right now. If you want to send it you can, but I am impartial. I do not remember going to Brigham Young's winter house. I do remember a few details about that trip, but not many. I of course remember the Excalibur and than some of the different things that happened in Cali, like the beach and such. For the most part though I do not remember much on the way to or from. I do remember though sleeping right in between the captain chairs now and than though. I kind of remember the Thornton's but than again do not. I think I do remember you babysitting/tending them. The more I think about it the more I remember them, I think. That is cool that you found out that Camille is getting married, did you get an invitation or something?I guess I sound like a few people. I have been told that Scott and I sound alike and Dad and I do as well at times. I have never heard that I sound like uncle Kirt, though that is fine. I kinda remember his laugh, but than again not so much. It is weird the things that you remember and cannot forget and how other things just seem to slip away. Anyways..I do not really care if I stay in Lincoln or go somewhere else. I have come to the conclusion that no matter what happens I will enjoy it and make it the best that I can. I have started to really get to like the area and the people here so I would not mind staying, and more than likely I will be staying here for a while.I am sad that I was not able to talk to Grammy and Grampy Walker! I will just have to write her and tell her Happy Grandma's Day!I have been trying to write Chase I was just trying to figure out what all to say to the kid. I will though cause I really worry about the kid and hope that he is doing well. I do have their address so I will try and get a letter out to him soon. Well things are going well here. Though I do need some new garmets, well at least bottoms. I have heard that there is a new kind out that is more for sports or for keeping sweat away from your body. But whatever works cause I guess I am just really hard on things. Other than that though I am doing well, like much could have changed in under 24 hours. Well I hope that all is going well for you all. Take care and I love you.Love your son,-Elder Brickey

Monday, May 5, 2008

Emails 5-5-08

The Mommy-
Snow again, that is fun. It had been really warm here in California. Things are going really well though with the work. The shirts worked out, I actually exchanged them for the others though. The ones that you sent have a smaller pocket and it is harder for me to fit my planner and rulebook in. Thanks though for sending them I really appreciate it. The creme from Wal-Mart was like $200 I thought, but I do not care I do not think that I need it, and I will be alright without it. For Mothers Day we both have a phone so we should be able to just call with no problems. I do not know when you want to call, but I should get back to the apartment at around 2 here so 3 there. Whatever works really. For the baptism that we had Saturday, a brother in the ward that was very instrumental in helping her along the way baptized her and then on Sunday he also confirmed her. It was at one, so that is cool that Nicole was gradumicating while I was having a baptism. The baptism was amazing. The spirit was definitely there and quite a few people showed up and that was awesome. I gave the talk on the Holy Ghost, which should have been easy seeing I am a missionary and talk about the HG all the time, but I felt like I stammered through the talk but people said I did a good job. I do not remember Brigham Young's home, did we ever go there? That is cool though that you were able to talk to that Sister Missionary and that she knew Grandma and Grandpa. That is cool that you were able to make it to Kellie and Roger's baby blessing. I think it is funny what some people bear their testimony about. I think I would have been laughing so hard if I would have been there so that is a good thing that I was not. I am glad to hear that things are going well for the family and that they have not forgotten me yet. I hope that all is going well for you all. Take care and I cannot wait to talk to you on SUNDAY! Love you.
-Elder Brickey

Hello Curley Family!
It sounds like you have had a really busy weekend. Though it is cool that you were able to go to all that stuff. The baptism that we had was AWESOME. It went really well and a lot of people showed up and gave their support for Andrea. I cannot believe that I have already had 3 people get baptized and I am only 6 months into the mission. I never thought that the work would be like this. I can only imagine how fun it is to try and clean when you have little kids who want to make a mess and PLAY! Than again I am still a kid and would want to play too! Mom said that you went to Brigham Young's house there in St George. Did we go there on the way to Disneyland? I do not remember anything like that. I only remember the Excalibur and winning a sword because a guy tried to guess my age and was WAY off. Than I also remember things in California, but there is a lot that I do not remember cause I was 6 and that feels like FOREVER ago. Thanks for thinking of me and the baptism. I do not know if you would want to watch me in "action" I am not that good or anything. I feel like I mess up a ton on everything. Than again I do rely a ton on the Lord and he pulls me through so that is good.I do not envy you at all for all that driving. I think I would die if I had to drive all of that with two little kids, well screaming kids anyways. It is good that the kids slept though. I bet that made things easier.
Well it sounds like life is definitely moving along back at home. Well I hope that all is going well and I am looking forward to talking to all of you on SUNDAY!!!!! Can you tell that I am actually really excited?? Well I will talk to you later. Take care and I love you.-Elder Brickey