Monday, October 29, 2007

1st Letter

Dear Family-
I already miss you all, but I will take and forget myself in the work of the Lord. The first day has been pretty intense but it's been good. I have a pretty cool companion Elder Mitchell, he is from Mes, AR. We have two other Elders in our room who are going to Roseville it's pretty funny the one, Elder Carter, is the one from Chad's Stake. he said that he can see a definate resemblance between Chad & I. then there is Elder Glendale he is from Ontario Canada. It feels a little weird getting ready for bed here, it feels like a sleep over but with a lot of people, strange people. Well I love you all & I will write you again in a week. Love you.
-Elder Brickey

Entered the MTC

Elder Brickey has entered the MTC. He entered on Wed. Oct 24, 2007. It was hard since he is the only Brickey boy who will have gone. It was really neat cause Grandpa and Grandma Walker are serving a mission down at the MTC and Grandpa got permission to give Elder Brickey a personal tour. He will be there to help him for a little while. And he might be able to see them while he is there for three weeks.
Here are the first pictures took of him as an official Missionary! He was getting the last of his beauty sleep, before finishing up to go to the MTC.

This is all of us there to see him off-
Left to right
Grandpa and Grandma Walker(They work at the MTC), Dallin, Janet (Mom), Bill (Dad), Kade (the missionary), Scott (the proud older brother), Saedy, Ryan and Shanna.

They have a really cool sign as you enter the MTC and Grandpa told us we had to take a picture by it. So here is Kade by it.......

Here are the BROTHERS by it.........

Then we went in, and Grandpa and Elder Brickey, went in one door, and they got all the stuff he needed for entering the MTC. Then it was time to put on the Name Badge. Kade insisted that Scott had to do it.......

Then we all went into a big chapel and they talked to us and then it was time to say good-bye. Elder Brickey left through one set of doors while everyone else left out the others.

A Farewell

Sunday, October 21 was the farewell. I will enter the MTC on Wednesday. There was a great turn out, and we had a very full house with everyone coming for a little shin-dig after. It was cold, and had even snowed last night, but we still were able to enjoy outside as long as we had our coats on. The snow had melted by the time we had the shin-dig. It was really cool to see many we had not seen for a while.

MTC Address

Elder Kincade Brickey

MTC Box #129
CA-ROS 1113
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793